18. Keefe's POV

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Hey. A beautiful voice filled Keefe's head.

How'd it go? Keefe thought to Sophie.

Better than I thought it would. Me and Fitz did something really cool, but it would probably be easier to tell you in person. Do you want to come over?

Yeah. Sounds good. Keefe was excited to be able to go to Sophie's house again. It was always nice to see her, and getting away from his dad was a huge bonus.

It's always nice to see you too, Keefe. He forgot that Foster could hear his thoughts. Keefe had the feeling that if she could, Sophie would be mentally smirking at him right now.

Okay, I'll be over in a second. Keefe was extremely grateful that Sophie had given him a Havenfield home crystal. Knowing that he could always escape from the Shores of Solace, to Havenfield, to Sophie, made Keefe's day.

He grabbed the crystal and held it up to the light.

"And where do you think you're going?" said the most obnoxious voice in Keefe's life.

Sorry Foster, it's going to be a minute. Daddy Dearest has decided to be an extremely annoying parent.

It's okay, Keefe. Come whenever. And also? Give Cassius a hard glare for me.

Will do, Foster. See you soon.

Bye, Keefe.

"Excuse me? Did you hear what I just said?" Cassius's contempt for his son was evident on his face.

"Yes, I heard you."

"And you didn't answer because..."

"Two reasons: One, I'm not required to. I live in this house, but that doesn't mean I obey you. Two: I was talking to Sophie." It always felt weird for Keefe to use Sophie's first name, but he did it in front of his dad because he didn't want it used against him. How? Who knew. Better safe than sorry.

Cassius heaved a heavy sigh. "And I assume you're off to talk to your girlfriend now?"


"I may not care what happens in your personal life, but I am not naïve. Your feelings for young Ms. Foster are clear, and the same goes for her feelings for you. Again, I am not stupid. You've been walking around the house with a wide grin on your face, and considering what's been happening the last few days, it can only mean one thing: Ms. Foster has finally recognized her feelings for you, and the two of you are now dating. I just hope that this newfound relationship doesn't distract the two of you from the giant list of problems that our world is facing at the moment."

"It won't, but that's none of your business. I'll be leaving now." Keefe held up his crystal once more, but before he left, Cassius said something that almost knocked Keefe off of his feet.

"And Keefe, uh, congratulations."

When he got to Havenfield, it took Keefe a second to absorb what his father had just said. Now, Keefe usually didn't give an alicorn poop what his dad thought, but his saying this made Keefe feel...


Which was not a word Keefe usually used in the same sentence as his dad, let alone saying that Cassius had made him feel that.

Putting this confusing information into his mental box of Stuff-To-Deal-With-When-I-Feel-Like-Crying, Keefe walked up the Havenfield estate to the house.

Before he got to the doors, though, Grady stepped out and asked, "How did you get here?"

"I-um-well, you see-"

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