22. Keefe's POV

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A/N- Just so u know, I was really tempted to put another character's POV in here, like Marella's, because seeing the other side of the ship is always fun and u guys would actually find out the important info before the gang, but like, it feels like I'm going way too hard with the different POVs if I do another different one here. I just have to spread them out, and do one every 10 parts or so (thats not a lot I know but we just kinda gotta deal sorry)

This was big.

Keefe could tell from one look on Marella's face.

They had to wait for the rest of their friends, the Collective, and the Council to show up outside Havenfield before hearing the news, though.

"Ok," Marella once everyone arrived. "So, I looked up Elysian in a mythology book, and I found stuff about the 'Elysian Fields.' It's this place in something called 'Greek Mythology' where heroes go when they die." Sophie was nodding her head in approval. She must've already known this. Marella continued, "You had to be super heroic and stuff to go there. Guys like Achilles, who had this thing on his ankle or something, I'm not sure. Or Perseus, who, like, chopped off this lady's head or whatever. It's gross, but not the point. Anyways, I, um, have a theory about that." She paused.

"What is it?" someone asked eagerly. Keefe couldn't hear who, as he was focused too intently on Marella as she said, "Well, we think that Elysian started these myths, right?" Everyone nodded.

"Um, well, what if these myths have a lot more to them than we think? What if there's truth to these myths? So, I said that Elysian was for heroes, but do you know where everyone else goes? The Asphodel Meadows, which is for ordinary souls. An Asphodel is a type of flower. And you know how we found some unidentifiable flowers at the sights of Everblaze? I looked up a picture of Asphodels in a nature book, and I identified it with Livvy as the same flower as some growing in those areas. Those areas were all in very populated human areas, right? This is a stretch, but what if Elysian planted these myths into humans a long time ago, waiting for the right time, for when humans were weak, so that she could begin her plans. She coerced the Neverseen into putting those fires exactly where she wanted, as a kind of clue that she knew we'd never get. Asphodel is a lot of times connected with death and the Underworld, so it would make sense if it grew in Everblaze, which is extremely destructive. And she put the fires there because..." Marella took a deep breath. "That's where she wants to put Human Sanctuaries."

Everyone started yelling at that, most prominently, Sophie. Keefe started to walk to her, to try to comfort her, but Linh silenced everyone.

"She's not done speaking!" Linh yelled, which she rarely did, so everyone gave Marella their attention.

"Sadly, I'm not." Marella muttered thanks to Linh, then continued. "I think the place, Elysian, is going to be a Sanctuary for elves. Think about it. When we try to force humans into the Sanctuaries, there will definitely be resistance, and fighting back, and things of that sort. Why not protect the elves from harm if we can? That's what the glass wall around Elysian is for. To protect us from human weapons, and maybe even from rebelling elves. And that's also why it's so big, so that it can hold all of us. Now, this all sounds very abstract, but from what we've seen, that's how Elysian rolls! And, I mean, it all adds up. Making the human myths about Elysian, saying that it's a place for heroes, was her way of saying, 'Elves are the heroes, and we'll be protected from the worst of it.' And, like, the hints about Asphodel? Genius. It all connects, albeit a little sloppily, but when you give it some real thought, it makes perfect sense."

Linh raised her hand to ask a question. "How did you figure all of this out in the 5 minutes of reading that you did?"

"Oh, I didn't." Marella's eyes sparkled a little, in amusement, though Keefe thought that this definitely wasn't the time.

"One of the reasons I wanted everyone to gather here was so that I could tie my explanation up. I got so pumped about finding something important, that, by the time I'd called everyone, I realized I needed more time. So, I invited the Collective and the Council to come as well. It, as you saw, bought me almost an hour."

"Well, good work." Linh said, taking Marella's hand again. This shocked a few people, but not Keefe. I knew they'd get together.

"I just really hope that I'm wrong about all this." Marella said solemnly.

Suddenly, a voice that Keefe would forever recognize filled his head. No, child, you are correct.

Judging by the way everyone reacted, Keefe assumed they'd heard Elysian too.

"What do you want?!" He yelled. Sandor and the other bodyguards were turning in circles, trying to find the source of Elysian's melodic voice.

Your efforts to find me will come to no avail. Remember, I can vanish, and I do it much more proficiently and soundly than the best real Vanishers can. And to answer your question, Keefe, I am here to confirm your suspicions. Everything that your snarky friend here has just said is true. I trust I do not need to repeat myself?

Elysian didn't wait for an answer. Sophie, why the long face? Don't worry, the Human Sanctuary will be much better than you expect. You really may like it.

Sophie gagged, as if to vomit, but Elysian paid her no heed. Instead, she said, I must go and continue my plans, children. I suggest you gain access to a human newsfeed now. There is something very interesting that you may want to see.

With that, Keefe felt Elysian's presence lift from him, like a weight being taken off his shoulders. Almost immediately, Dex took out a leaping crystal and said, "Stay right here. Give me five minutes and I'll get us that newsfeed."

As promised, five minutes later, Dex came back to Havenfield carrying a big metal box with him. No questions were asked, so as to let Dex focus on the task in front of him. Finally, it got working. Sophie snatched the remote, her being the only one with knowledge of human tech and all, and flipped through channels about superheroes and baby penguins and ways to keep safe from new sicknesses until she finally stopped at a newsfeed.

The reporters were speaking quickly, and while most of their group couldn't understand them, the select few who could leaned forward to hear, Keefe included.

"... massive structure, indeed. I believe it's going to be the biggest building in history, am I correct, Sarah?"

"Yes, indeed, Tom. It will be called, 'The Sanctuary.'"

"And what will this so-called 'Sanctuary' house?"

"We don't know, Tom. I guess we just have to wait and see."

Another huge cliffhanger. U guys must love me right now! (U cant tell cause im writing but im being sarcastic in a fun way :) This thing was so complicated to write. Like, I had to look up stuff about Elysian, then Asphodel, then the heroes, and all that stuff, then I had to connect it all. I just hope it wasn't too confusing for u guys to read. One thing, tho, that I really liked about this chapter was being able to incorporate Greek mythology. Mythology is the reason why I love PJO (and Rick Riordan books in general) so much. I think Greek mythology in particular is super awesome and interesting, but that's just my opinion.

My question today is: what is an unpopular opinion that you have about KOTLC? I watched some youtube vids from KOTLC Fanbase (good channel that if u like KOTLC u should try them) on unpopular opinions and im curious now. Sadly, I dont really have an unpopular opinion. Im just ur average, boring KOTLC reader. Anyways, what's ur unpopular KOTLC opinion?

Thx, bye!

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