30. Sophie's POV

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After saying goodbye to Keefe the next morning, Sophie walked up to Havenfield's doors.

The whole way, Sophie was thinking about the night before. While she'd slept very well, she'd woken up early because of the dirt ground that she had been sleeping on, and Keefe and Sophie had just talked and laughed for a few hours until Sophie noticed the time and left with a promise to Keefe that they would finish their date within the next week.

When she walked through the doors, Sophie was greeted by the heavenly smell of Mallowmelt and Ripplefluffs.

Edaline walked out of the kitchen. "Sophie! Hi! How was it?"

"It was fine." She replied. "Sorry I didn't tell you guys; I guess I forgot. How'd you know I was okay?"

Edaline didn't take the bait. "Oh, we trust you. Plus, I think Lord Cassius had mentioned something about, and I quote, 'Keefe running off with our reckless daughter; no doubt getting into tremendous amounts of trouble.' Quite a character, Lord Cassius."

"I've never been a fan." Grady called from somewhere in the living room. "He may be important in Elvin society; but the way he treats his son and others is not tolerable."

"You know, I think you and Keefe have more in common than you think." Sophie called back to her father. "He feels the same way; he just doesn't use as nice of words as you do."

"Uh-huh." Grady said, and Sophie could feel him shake his head.

"Anyways," Edaline said, switching the topic. "Any news from the Black Swan or the Council on any of the current projects?"

"No, not that I've heard." Grady said, finally walking into the room to join them.

"Yeah, me neither." Sophie added.

"Alright, perfect. There's something I want to talk to you two about... I wanted to get your opinion on something." Edaline almost looked nervous. What was wrong?

"Well... I want to join the Black Swan."

"What?!" Grady exclaimed, at the same time Sophie said, "Really?"

Edaline glared at them both.

"Sorry," Sophie said quickly, ashamed at how that had sounded. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I never thought you'd want to join the Black Swan, because most of the time you're so..."

"Timid?" Edaline supplied.

"Well... I didn't want to put it like that, but yeah, you're sometimes kind of timid."

" I understand that sometimes I can come off as timid, but I'm stronger than either of you think. Heck, I wrangle dinosaurs and gorgadons for a living!"

"Yes, but what if you're not ready?" Grady said, his concern showing plain on his face.

"I'll be fine, Grady. Plus, if you so insist, I can ask them for less dangerous missions. I don't think it's necessary though. I can handle myself."

"How? Dinosaurs aren't the same as elves or other intelligent creatures that you might cross paths with." Grady crossed his arms over his chest.

"I am more than capable of holding my own in a fight, thank you very much."

"How so?"

As Grady finished speaking his sentence, Edaline grabbed him and flipped him to the floor, holding him to the ground with her foot.

"See? I can handle myself."

Grady smiled. Panting, he said, "That you can. Now can you let me up? That really hurt." Edaline helped Grady stand up, then turned to Sophie.

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