13. Keefe's POV

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"You know what this is about." Grady was glaring daggers at Keefe, who withered under his gaze.

"I do." The way Grady was looking at him brought painful flashbacks of Keefe's dad and how he never thought Keefe was enough.

Grady seemed to recognize his behavior, and his features softened, just barely.

"You want to date Sophie."

"Yes." Keefe was getting more nervous by the second.

"Do you know how many times I've had to watch her cry over you?" Grady's question surprised Keefe.

"I-I, sorry, what?"

"I said, do you know how many times I've watched her cry over you?" Grady looked Keefe in the eyes. "Every time you betray her, or run away from your problems. Each time, I watch her devastation, her loss, her betrayal, all of it. I have lost track of the amount of times that I've seen her cry about or over you, and I don't see everything! There have probably been so many other times that I missed, or that she hid from us. Do you know how hard that is, Keefe? To see your daughter, someone who you would give everything for, break down because of one of her friends? Because of a boy?"

Keefe gaped. He had never thought of it like that. Sophie cried over him? Why? She hadn't liked him then, right? Keefe didn't know what to say, and Grady took it as an invitation to continue.

"Listen, Keefe, besides the whole 'worst decision maker in the world' thing, I don't absolutely hate you. Yes, you're a bad influence on Sophie, and yes, there are other candidates for her boyfriend position, but honestly? You're the best one." Again, Keefe gaped. "You make her laugh, you help her through her problems, you don't judge her, and you don't care about the match. I respect that. And she does similar things for you. I know your family life is hard enough, without me adding any additional pressure, but I want you to know, I don't hate you. In time, I could possibly learn to like you. But, that means no more running, no more hiding, no more pretending. You have to be there for Sophie, and I know she'll be there for you. But seriously, if you hurt her one more time, I swear I'll redefine the word pain for you."

"Completely and 100% understood, Mr. Ruewen." Keefe said, completely serious.

"Please call me Grady. No one ever calls me Mr. Ruewen, and they don't need to start now." Grady had the start of a smile teasing his face.

Keefe saluted. "Sir, yes sir!"

Grady gave a tiny chuckle. "I'll see you around, Keefe. Oh, and by the way, Sophie is still by the Panakes. I think she wants to say goodbye."

"Um, ok, thanks Grady." Keefe hoped he sounded sincere.

Guess what? Another mellow ending! I need to get rid of these. I like the suspense! The thrill! (Also i like being evil and having big plot twists/cliffhangers) BTW, this is #4.

Elysian (After Stellarlune)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें