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I sit tiredly at the conference hall with a faint look as am waiting for one my Bosses at work to come out. We both came for a seminar after work because he was invited to give a talk at the seminar and when it ended, he went to have some talks with the other invited guest speakers. I was told to wait for him and it's already an hour and few minutes waiting for him. I'm tired.

I know if he had known he would be long, he would have let me go immediately the seminar ended.

I take my phone up again to take some selfies just to kill some times again. Have been on my phone since before I dropped it when I was tired of it.

I takes some selfies and three come out well in the selfies and I decides to post them on IG. I goes to the IG and post them with a caption saying "What an hectic day! My body is tired and I can't wait to treat myself good this weekend".

I drops down my phone again and sighs. A while later, I take my phone up to check the pictures if I have had likes on it and it's just five likes.

I have a feeling I should delete it maybe they aren't pretty enough to others but I don't want to delete it. Have always been insecure about my beauty thinking am not pretty enough to people, so when I don't get much likes on my pictures or videos on social media, I feel uneasy about it, just like this moment, feeling I should delete but I don't  want to. That's why I have few pictures on IG. I put my phone down and keep on staring.

Just then, my phone vibrates. I picks it up and checks the texts that come in from my best friend.

"You should be home now. When are you coming home?". The texts says. She knows about the seminar I attended with my boss.

"I don't know". I says faintly and am about to text it when I hear my name.


It's my boss voice. I do not text anything but put my phone down and look up, see him marching fast to me. He knows he was long there too.

I stand up fast, putting on a smile I am not tired waiting.

"I'm sorry Alyssa". He says when he get to me. "I should have called but I couldn't. I didn't know it was going to be a serious and long conversations". Mr. Andrew apologize.

"It's fine sir". I says still putting on that smile.

"Thank you. Let's go".

I pick my bag up and step closer a little to him before we walk together away.

"You really did well. The speech you gave. I learnt a lot sir". I compliments him as we walk out and he smiles.

"Thank you. I hope you didn't learn from me alone?"

"Yes, I learnt a lot from other speakers as well. I am grateful you brought me along". I say with a smile.

We come outside and the sun had gone down already. I escort him to his car then he turn.

I'm glad you accepted my offer when I invited you". He say and I know what he meant by that.  If it was another person he invited among the staff at work, they might not accept because the seminar wasn't related to work. He was invited to give a talk and he asked me to come with him and I did. "See you on Monday". He adds

"Yes sir". I nods. "Goodnight. Drive safely sir".

"I will and you too. Goodnight Alyssa".

He turn and get in. I watch him drive away before I heads to my car and drive away  too.


The empty plastic cup fall from Jane, my best friend hand when I come in. I watch her bend down to pick it up.

"What were you thinking that made the cup fell from your hand". I asks as I walk. She looks up at me and laugh.

"Actually, it was you". She joke. "How are you?" She asks. We walk together as I walks to couch and fall on it.


"I know. You looked tired in the pictures you posted. Why did you post it? They don't look good". She said and I rise up.

"Really? I felt like posting it and besides it looks good to me. Are they not good?"


I bring out my phone from my bag fast to delete it. I should have deleted it when I felt I should do that then.

"You want to delete it?" I don't answer her but deletes it quickly. There isn't much likes or comments on it. "You deleted it?"

I look at Jane. "Planning to delete it soon".  I say but she don't believe me. Yes, she caught me I haven't stopped being insecure about my beauty. It's Just hard to do.

She turns, walking to the kitchen. "I tested you but you haven't stopped believing you aren't pretty enough". She entered into the kitchen.

"I said I was planning to delete it soon Jane!". I shout just to stop her talking.

She is right, I haven't changed.

I stand up and walks to the kitchen. She is rinsing the cup in the basin while I opens the pots loudly, they are all empty.

"You look pretty even when you are angry Alyssa".

I looks at her and smile small. She knows me too well. I still feel insecure about my beauty.

"And why didn't you cook?" I asks, changing the topic.

"Sorry. Haven't bought groceries and we are going out this night, I think we shouldn't eat much". She says leaving the kitchen.

"I'm hungry". I cry, following her.

"There is chocolate in the fridge".

We come back to the living room and Jane begins to jump happily.

"I'm glad we are going to club tonight after some months". She says while I laugh as I watch her, happy. "Have missed clubs!". She shouts.

She loves fun and she taught me how to. We have always been together from kids and the only time we didn't spend together was during the college, we were in different college then and once we were out and got job, we ended up living together.

We were friends at first but now, we are sisters that can't do without each other.

I loves us.

"You have gotten over him". She said while my laugh disappear slowly.


"Paul. You know it was because him we couldn't have fun"

I laugh small when she say that.

"Yes. Have moved on".


I hope you guys love the first chapter.

There are lots to come, this is just the beginning.

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Love ya'll❤️

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