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I am dancing crazily with the partner I got myself when I see Paul exiting the club. I looks at my partner.

"Sorry, I had to go". I says and he nods, dancing away. I turns to Alyssa, she is turning away from me, dancing with her partner. I do not bother to tell her I just saw Paul. I walks away.

It's chilly outside a bit when I come out. I search around for Paul before I see his back, holding a cigar in his hand which he is smoking and a phone on his ear which he is talking to. I knew it's him once I see his back.

I walks faster to him and pull him to me which make him turn to me. A glad smile crawl on his face when he see me.

"I will call you later". He says to the phone and hang up. "Jane". He gladly calls. "You are here"

"Thank goodness I saw you here". I says frowning.

"What? You have been wanting to see me too?" He laughs. "But I always call you. I called you today but you rejected it, even my texts. Were you shy to let me know you want to see me?" He laughs again and am getting annoy already. "I don't know why you refused...."

"....If you say further, I will slap you". I glare at him. He stares at me shortly before he begins to laugh again.

"What's wrong with you Jane?" He stops laughing. "What's wrong if I broke up with her and come for you?"

"Paul". I warns him.

"You are angry Jane. You thinks am a bad boy but am serious about this. Yes, I dated Alyssa because I loved her but when she introduced me to you, you made my heart flutter, that means you won my heart". He steps closer to me. "Are you scared?" I turns away, his mouth smell cigar. "Listen, we can date secretly for now till we are good to let her know". I looks at him back, glaring. "Thank goodness, I broke up with her. She is not my girlfriend anymore and nothing is wrong if we date, and even if she knows. Jane, am serious. I love you. Just say yes to me and we are good to go".

I scoffs as I stares at him before I begins. "If any other girls can do it, I will never". He gives me a slow look. "I will never hurt my friend". He chuckles.


"I'm here to warn you not call me or text me again. You are really a bad boy Paul. You broke up with her because it's me you love now...Are you in your senses? She did well to you as a girlfriend but you fucked her up. That's harsh. Know this, I can never have you as my man, not even because of her. You are not just my spec. You are ugly Paul so fuck off". I says raising my middle finger up to him as I walks away.

I'm glad I did that. I let him know am different and I would never do such. Alyssa is special to me.

I can't even do that to any other person even if it's not Alyssa.

I come inside the club, it's like people doubles now. They are so much now and everywhere just keep on bustling aloud.

It's going to be hard to see Alyssa if I should start to search her around. I take my phone up and texts her.

"Where are you?" I text her and looks up maybe my eyes would see her but no. My phone vibrates. I look at it. She text me back.

"With Chris". She send.

I find my way to the bar counter and I see her, talking with Chris.

"Hey". Chris says when he sees me. Alyssa turns to me.

"Where were you?"

I smile as I sit down.

"Hey, I know that smile". Alyssa says laughing. Chris joins her.

"Someone was interested in me know". I laughs as I says. Chris and Alyssa looks at each other, laughing.

"Hey, why did you look at each other laughing? You guys talked about me?"

"Alyssa knew you were with a guy".

The three of us shares a laugh.

"Is he handsome?" Alyssa asks and I nods. I turns to Chris. "Chris, another Budweiser".

"Okay ma'am". Chris says and we laughs.

"How was it?" Alyssa asks smiling.

"It was nice. I love it".

"A night stand?".

"No! Alyssa". I shout her name.

She laughs while I laughs along.

"No. It was just a talk and it was lovely. Maybe I would try him out. Let's see".

"Jane". She laughs.


"I just feel good you are doing this again. It's been long you did this. I'm sorry for letting you took a break". She says laughing and I hiss away a little.

"It's okay". I say and we share a laugh.

Chris comes with our drinks and give it to us. We opens it and drink at the same time.

"Let's go have some dance". I says to Alyssa when I stops drinking and she nods when she stops drinking too.

I stretch my card to Chris for the payment and he do that and give me the card back.

"Later Chris". We says to Chris as we stand up.

"Yeah, have more fun". He says and we laugh as we turns. Alyssa stops me walking.

"A guy texted me on IG not quite long and I just feel good about it". Alyssa tells me.


She nods.

"He is so fucking hot and handsome. He is tall Jane". She says as she laughs happily and am happy for her to be in love again without a doubt maybe it will end like Paul's own.

"See his pictures". She quickly goes to IG and shows me his pictures and just like she said it. He is so handsome, not only that. He looks rich.

Then she shows me their chats and it's beautiful.

"I can't wait for you guys to meet". I says to her.

"Same here. I want to be in another relationship".

"I hope it's not because to get over Paul"

"Of course have moved on. I just want to be in love with another person again and this chat, even though it's a short one, my heart flutter". She says and I laughs.

"I wish you all the best Alyssa".

"Thank you Jane. I wish all the best too".

We share another laugh.


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