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The weekend is over. It's Monday. I wake up at exact 7:00 am sharp. I stretch and yawn before getting down from the bed and enters the bathroom to have my baths. I get dress in a white blouse and black pencil skirt. I put my hair in a ponytail and add some pearl earrings. I put on some light makeup consisting of eyeliner and a little tinted lip gloss.

I put on black heels and take my phone and purse, done at 8:01am. I check my texts I sent to Daniel but hasn't replied.

Maybe he is a busy man.

I opens the door and leave the room. I walks to Jane room and opens it and see Jane sleeping deep. I kind of envy her that moment, she is self-employed, a photographer not like me, waking up early for work. I do not bother calling her name, I close the door quietly and leaves.

I come out of the house and walks to my car. I am about to open it when I hear my name "Alyssa". I know the voice, it's Steve. Our new neighbor. We are a bit close, just greetings.

I turns and see him, smiling at me.

"Good morning". He waves at me.

"Good morning". I say.

"Have a good day at work". He says to me and I smile.

"Aww... thank you". I says and get inside the car, drives away. I see him in the side mirror, watching me drive away.


"Hi Alyssa". My friend at work says to me at the hallway when I get to work. I quickly give her a hug.

"Good morning Susan". We release each other.

"You looks pretty". She says

"Really". I looks glad. I love compliment.

"Good morning Alyssa". Mr. Andrew greets me.

I turns and greets "Good morning Mr. Andrew".

Susan and I walks to the office together.

"Meeting is starting soon".

"Good morning girls". Beth greets as she joins us walking.

"Hi Beth"

"Good morning Beth".

The three of us head to the office together.

"It's about Mr. Parker son coming soon".

We enters into the office and walks to our desk which is together. We say greetings to our finance manager, Mr. Tim at his desk.

"Good morning sir". We chorus together.

"Hi Alyssa. Hi Beth, Hi Susan". He says at his desk, then Selena comes in.

"Hello sir". She says walking to her desk.

"Hi Selena".

We turns to her.

"Hi pretty". Susan says to her

"Good morning Selena". I greets her.

"Good morning".

"Good morning girls". She sit down.

"How are you all?" Mr. Tim asks us and we turns to him.

"Good". We respond together.

I thought we have ended the conversations about the new CEO until Susan says to us small "Honestly, I like the idea of having someone in our age as the CEO". Susan says the words, happy.

"Is he 25?" I asks, looking at her.

"I don't know but he is in his 20's" Susan says.

"I'm heading for a meeting. Later". Mr. Tim says and we turn to him at the same time.

"Okay sir". We happily chorus together and he leaves. We look at each other back, excited.

"I heard he is in Las Vegas at the moment. He should come soon, everyone wants to meet him". Susan says and we share a laugh.

Afterwards, Mr. Tim comes back from the meeting and we all looks at him as he walks to his seat, waiting to hear the feedback from the meeting.

He sits and quickly type on his computer while we all glances at each other.

"Mr Parker son would be resuming next week". We all light up, happy about the news. "So we would need to be prepared because he is going to look into our records".

"Yes sir". We responds. We looks at each other, happy about the news.

"Susan, are you done with the reports?"

"Yes sir. Coming". Susan says, standing up, holding papers in her and walks to Mr. Tim.

We are all happy about the news of having him with us especially the girls. They want to meet him, including me but let's see what Daniel has for me.


I get home in the evening, just a bit tired. I get down from the car, locking the door and turn to steps in.

"You are back". I hear Steve voice and I turns to him. "Hi"

"Hi Steve". I says faking a laugh.

Why is he always around me?

"I hope it wasn't stressful at work today?"

I shake my head and says "No, thank you Steve". I says and he smiles.

I enter the room. I see Jane drinking.

"Hey Jane". I says to her as I walk to the couch to sit.

Jane stops drinking, looking at me. "He likes you".

"What?" I asks turning to her.

"Steve likes you". She says walking to me. I do not say anything but looking at her. "You know every time, hi Alyssa, good morning Alyssa". She says mimicking how Steve does and it makes me laugh. She laughs too and sit on the couch.

"You are funny".

"How was work today?"

"It was good". I light up fast. "Jane, our CEO son would be resuming next week".


"Yeah. Everyone is so eager to meet him, especially the girls".

"Really. Why eager? People like that would have had someone to marry, his parents would have given him someone. We do see it in movie or all these romance stories".

"Yeah, true but we can't say. He might be single".

"Are you eager too?"

I laughs "Just want to see him. He would be so handsome. I know that".

"Wait, what if he is Daniel?" Jane asks laughing. I pauses, thinking of that.

What if he is Daniel?  Can he?

"I don't think so" I shake off my head.

"It can be him. Oh my!" She jumps from her seat, laughing. "It would be lovely".

"Wait, I don't think it can be him. Daniel is in California. Mr. Parker son is in Las Vegas".


"Jane, stop reading romance books. You are living in that world". I says laughing while she joins me too, laughing.

"But Alyssa, what if he is the one?"

"That would be an office romance". I says laughing. "But I don't think so".

"What is Mr. Parker son name?"

"That, I don't know. It can't be Daniel Jane!".

"Let's see. Did you guys chat today?"

"Yeah, Just replied to my text saying Hi Alyssa. kinda feel a bit sad about it. I want us to chat more again".

"He is a busy type"

"Yeah, I think so".

Then my phone vibrates on the couch, I takes it up and looks at it. It's a text from Daniel. I quickly check it and it says.

"Hi Alyssa, are you ready for a chat?"

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