4. "What's going on with Stephen?"

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It's now Friday and the triplets are coming over today. I'm so excited I feel like I haven't seen them in forever. I miss them so much. most of all I think I miss the relationship me and Matt used to have. He was my first friend in LA and now we're kinda distant from each other.

I get out of my bed and get dressed. It's currently 10am and the triplets are coming at 12pm so I have a while. I pick out what outfit I want to wear today. Nick mentioned that he wanted to go thrift shopping today.

This is the outfit I decided to wear

This has always been one of my favorite outfits

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This has always been one of my favorite outfits. Once I get dressed I decided to make myself some breakfast. I couldn't be bothered to put on any makeup. I know the triplets wouldn't care anyway.

I opened my fridge and see what I have to make. I decided to make some French toast because my mom used to make it for me all the time. I grab out all of my ingredients and start to make the French toast.

10 minutes pass by and I had put on some music in the background. "No one knows" by Stephen Sanchez starts playing and I immediately start smiling to myself. I'm singing quietly to myself when I hear a knock on the door. I figured its the triplets so I take my piece of French toast off the stove and walk over to the door.

I walked over to the door and opened it to see a smiling nick, a sleepy Chris and a slightly annoyed Matt. "Hey girl, how have you been?" Nick says as he pulls me into a hug. "I've been good, still feel like I'm dreaming though." I responded. "Hey Addie" Chris says with a sleepy smile. "Hi Chrissy" "I'm too tired to tell you not to come me that"

Nick and Chris walked in and Matt is still standing at the door. "Hello Adeline." "Hello Matthew" "damn girl" I hear from behind me. I turned around to see Nick with a shocked look on his face. Matt finally walks in and I feel my happiness slowly leave as my best friend is so cold to me.

I walked down into the kitchen to finish making my French toast. "y'all hungry? I'm making some French toast" "oooo yes please" I hear a tired Chris say from the living room. "Coming right up Chris!" I start making some French toast for Chris and I continue to sing along with the music. I forgot that I wasn't by myself and I hear Nick say "Damn ads, your voice is beautiful" "oh thank you Nick" "why don't you sing more often?" "oh uh, I just don't" I shrug as I answered Nick. "oh ok"

I finished making Chris his French toast and I bring it to the living room when he is laying comfortably with a blanket and a pillow watching gravity falls. "Ooooo yay, thanks Addie." "you're welcome Chrissy."

I go back to the kitchen and tell Matt and Nick that I'm going to my room. Matt didn't hear me but Nick said he'll join me. Nick and I head to my room and Nick shuts the door behind us. I sit down on my chair at my desk and press the space bar to turn on my computer. "So Nick, anything new happening with you?" "no, you know me. nothing new or exciting. I wanna talk about you tho. what's going on with Stephen?"

I immediately start blushing just at the sound of his name. "oh my god you really like him don't you?" "obviously Nick, I've been in love with him for a year now." My crushes on people have always scared me. I've only been in shit relationships and the triplets don't know about it but Ellie does. Sometimes the memories came back and all the emotions hit me all at once and sends me into a panic attack. Most of the time I call Ellie when it happens but we're in 2 different timezones so it's hard sometimes.

Nick looks at me and notices that I'm not mentally in the conversation, he doesn't say anything though. He probably figured I didn't want to talk about it. "Hey, let's go thrift shopping now" "ooooo yes let's go!!!"

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