5. "I kinda wish he never saw my cover."

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Me and Nick just got back from the thrift store. We got a lot of cute clothes, we asked Matt and Chris if they wanted to come with but they said no. I felt bad leaving them alone at my house but I trust them in my house.

I unlocked the door and see Chris and Matt watching Stranger things together. "Hey Chrissy, hey Matt" "Hey Addie, how was the thrift store?" "oh it was amazing, me and Nick found such cute clothes" "thats great ads" "thanks Chris" Matt still hasn't said a word to me since I walked in. I was wondering what was going on with him. then I see a smile creep onto his face and I realized that he's texting Ellie. I love the relationship they have. They've been together for about a year now. They are so in love and happy. I want nothing more than to have that for myself.

Matt's POV
(ooooo and the plot thickens)

I feel bad about how I act around Adeline. I know deep down she's struggling and I know I can't help her because of my behavior towards her. I was Adeline's first friend in LA, She was a scared girl in a new city by herself. I would've done anything to make her feel safe and ok in LA.

I introduced her to Chris and Nick and they immediately clicked. I figured since she had them, she didn't need me as much anymore. She introduced me to her best friend Ellie and I immediately fell in love with her. Her and Ellie have been best friends for years and Ellie knows Adeline's deepest darkest secrets.

I hear her and Nick talking in her room. "so what are you gonna do about Stephen?" "I have no idea Nick, if I'm being honest. I kinda wish he never saw my cover." Wait what? why would she say that? All she's ever wanted was to be noticed by him. I really hope she's ok.

"Wait why? I thought you wanted him to noticed you?" "I thought I did but now I just don't know. It scares me." "ads, be honest with me, is there something your not telling me?" "no not at all Nick, it's just scary having your celebrity crush noticing you." "hm ok"

I know she's hiding something from us. I know that Ellie knows but it feels like an invasion of privacy to ask her. Adeline will tell us when she's ready

Adeline's POV

Nick looks at me and says "I'm gonna go home ads, I'm starting to not feel good." "aw ok, well I'll see you tomorrow yeah? to pick up Ellie?" "yes of course, goodnight ads" "goodnight Nick"

Nick walks out and a split second later Chris walks in. "Chrissy Lou!!" I jump off my bed and give him a huge hug. "Addie Mae!!!" he has no choice but to give me a hug as my arms are wrapped around him. "I just came in here to say goodnight and that I'm going home with Nick." "are all 3 of you leaving?" "yeah we are, Goodnight Addie, I'll see you tomorrow ok?" "yeah see you tomorrow"

They all walk to the door and I hear it shut behind them. I continue to lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. All of a sudden, I feel myself starting to remember everything from my past relationships. All the trauma and anger fills my body and I start panicking. I can't find my phone and my vision is blurring from the tears

I can't see a thing. I don't see my phone anywhere in my room so I figured it might be downstairs in the kitchen. I walk down the stairs to the kitchen as my breathing gets faster and shallower. I feel like I can't breathe. I'm gasping for air. What am I gonna do? Ellie's asleep, the guys just left and I can't find my phone.

I'm pacing around the kitchen saying "where is my phone?" "please where's my phone?" The world feels like it's happening in slow motion.

suddenly I hear a man's voice come from just outside the kitchen.

There's only one person who calls me that.....

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