12. "Ellie please let me explain ok?"

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The book of life is about to end with I hear a knock on the door. Oh that must be them. "I'LL GET IT!" I say as I basically jump off the couch and run to the door. I quickly unlock the door and see Ellie and immediately jump into her arms as we're both screaming our heads off. I'm gonna scare my neighbors if we continue. We both started crying in each other's arms.

Nick and Chris let themselves in because me and Ellie are literally on the floor hysterically crying. This is just what I needed right now. After my long ass day last night. I needed my best friend with me.

"Omg I'm so happy to see you els!" "Me too but you are going to tell me what happened right now." Oh god she used her serious tone. This can't be good. To say that Ellie scares me sometimes is an understatement. I love her but she's absolutely terrifying when she wants to be.

She pulled me up to my room, opens the door and pushes me in my room. I'm scared out of my mind about this conversation. I sit down on my bed and Ellie is standing a few feet away from me. I mentally prepared myself for what she might say to me. "Adeline Mae Monroe."

shit she's pissed, she only uses my full name when I've fucked up or when she's genuinely upset with me. I stayed silent waiting for her to continue. "What is going on with you and Matt? Do not lie to me right now. Are you and my boyfriend together?" She's on the verge of tears. Shit I need to fix this right now.

"Ellie, please let me explain ok? and don't interrupt. So last night the triplets were over and me and Nick were talking in my room. We started talking about Stephen and I started to panic because it hit me in that moment that he actually knew who I was. I didn't know what do to and Nick doesn't know what you know els. Nick assumed that if anything was wrong I would tell him. So Nick and Chris both told me that they were leaving. Matt never came and said that he was leaving but I just assumed he was going with them. So they leave and I'm laying in here by myself."

I think Ellie knows where this story is going because when I looked up at her. She was on the verge of tears. I could tell she wanted to say something but she didn't know what to say yet.

"I guess I had left my phone downstairs somewhere, I was in here looking at the ceiling and I suddenly started to remember everything that happened with........ Him." I hear Ellie gasp. "Addie.... Him?" "yeah so I started to have a panic attack and I couldn't find my phone, I also couldn't see so I carefully went downstairs to look for it. At some point Matt had walked in and saw me. He said my name and I didn't want him to know about what happened. It didn't feel right having your boyfriend know about my past."

I hear Ellie start to cry and I feel a weight fall on my shoulders. "Matt kept trying to get close to me to figure out what happened. I didn't let him get close and all of a sudden I fainted. I don't remember exactly what happened after that but I woke up in Matt's arms and we were on the ground. He pulled me into a hug and started crying. I can only imagine how scary that must have been for him to see. You know how scary that can be."

Ellie breaths in and says "Yeah I do, I'm so sorry that that happened but why didn't you call me?" "It was 4am Tennessee time, I knew you were asleep and I couldn't find my phone. That night I had to tell Matt what happened. I couldn't keep him in the dark any longer. So we both sat here and I told him everything."

"You told him everything?? including the ab*se???" I sighed and looked up at her. "Yeah I did, I had to. He was very understanding and after I told him I asked if he could stay here because I couldn't be alone. He agreed and slept in the guest room."

"Is that all?" Ellie asked as she walks closer to me. "Yeah that's it." I look up at her and wait for what might happen. She continues to walk closer and I stand up just in case something bad happens. She's only a few inches away and she starts crying again and gives me the biggest hug in the world.

"Oh ads I'm so sorry I didn't believe you at first, I had no idea what happened." Oh fuck now I'm crying again. This can't be good for my head and the potential headache that might come. "It's ok Ellie, you didn't know.". We continue to hug and we hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I said. "It's Matt" I hear from the other side of the door. "Oh fair warning els, Matt gave me a nickname. He calls me Ali now." "Oh ok" I go over to the door and open it. "Hey Matt" "Hey ali. Hi love." "Hey Matty" Ellie and Matt embrace each other and hold the hug for a long time. Ellie is still crying and I said "I'll let y'all talk this out."

I walk back downstairs and to the living room to see Nick and Chris arguing about pancakes, waffles and french toast. (if you know this video I love you) "There'll still be waffles, there'll still be pancakes, there'll still be french toast! and I care too much!?!" "Guys guys guys, what's going on?" Chris looks at me and says "This dumb fuck cares too much about breakfast foods."

Nick chimes in and says "I couldn't give a fuck less. Addie could wake up and eat all 3 tomorrow!?!? What are you saying I care too much I'm literally waiting for you to stop?!!?!" "Ok Nick no need to get rallied up about breakfast foods" I said to Nick. Nick looks at me. " You can blame that dumbass over there for my rage." I laugh and walk away. I feel happier now, I'm surrounded by all of my favorite people. I honestly couldn't be happier.

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