20. "Talk later pretty! :)"

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(Take control is just Training Season by Dua lipa but under a different name)

Instagram DM: Stephen Sanchez

stephensanchezoffical: Adeline, what's this I hear about a surprise???

addie.mon: So, I've been working with Mercury Records and I have produced my very first song called 'Take Control'

stephensanchezoffical: Omg that's great Adeline! I'm so proud of you. Can I hear it?

addie.mon: Yes of course! give me like 2 seconds

*Sent a Voice message*

stephensanchezoffical: Holy shit Adeline! That's incredible! Your chorus is angelic, the bridge is brilliant! This song is going to be huge for you Adeline!

addie.mon: Awww, thank you Stephen. That means a lot to me. I'm so glad that you love it as much as I do. How's Tour going?

stephensanchezoffical: It's been pretty good. just excited to be off of tour so I can take you to dinner. Any way I can get your number along with dinner?

addie.mon: Mmm, I don't know

I'm joking, here you go

(xxx) xxx- xxx

stephensanchezoffical: Ok I have to get back to rehearsals, Talk later pretty! ;)

addie.mon: Talk later handsome ;)

I'm so happy that Stephen texted me about my song. I've been wanting to share it with him since it's been in production. I just feel extremely close to him, and I feel safe with him. He's unlike anyone I've ever met before. I'm sitting in my living room with music on in the background just scrolling on my phone. I want my song to be out already so everyone can hear it. I feel like this song could be life changing for me.

One Week Later...........

It's July 27th and it's finally release day for 'Take Control', I'm so excited for it to be out. My phone has been blowing up with supportive messages from the triplets, Ellie and Stephen. All of them saying that they are proud of me and everything I've been accomplishing so I'm just been over the moon happy with my life lately. The triplets are coming over soon to have a little release party with me.

I clean up my house a little bit even though it's gonna get messy again. I bought Pepsi, Root beer and Dr pepper for the boys because those are their favorites. I got extra Pepsi because Chris got me addicted to Pepsi.

The triplets have just arrived and there's 30 minutes until 'Take Control' releases. I'm so excited. "So Ali, how are you feeling about your song releasing?" "I'm so excited because I have so much faith in this song, but I'm also kinda scared of what people will think of it"

"Don't worry about other people, everyone you showed the song to fell in love with it. you have nothing to worry about." "Thanks Matty" I give Matt a hug and the time continues to tick as we get closer and closer to my song releasing. Me and the guys are sitting on the couch just waiting for 9 to come around. It's now 8:50 so I pull out my phone and get my Instagram post for the song ready. I watch my TV as the time gets closer and closer to 9pm. The guys are huddled around me hugging me and trying to keep me calm. "Are you ready Addie Mae?" "Ready as I'll ever be Chris"

The clock hits 9pm and I check post on Instagram. It takes a few seconds for it to load and then I see my post and the views and likes going up by the second. The boys pull out their phones and quickly comment on my post.

Liked by els

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Liked by els.jackson, matthew.sturniolo, christophersturniolo, stephensanchezoffical and others

addie.mon: My new song 'Take Control' is out now on all streaming platforms!

matthew.sturinolo: You really ate this one up Ali
addie.mon: Thanks Matt

els.jackson: Wish I was there celebrating with y'all. So so proud of you Addie.
addie.mon: Thanks girly

christophersturniolo: Yall are looking at the next biggest superstar right here.
addie.mon: Awwww stop Chris

stephensanchezoffical: The song is great Adeline. Can't wait to see it everywhere. ;)
addie.mon: You made all of this possible Stephen, Thank you so much. ;)

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