17. "Until I found you"

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Me and Ellie are backstage waiting for Stephen to finish the show, I'm still on a high from preforming with Stephen. It felt amazing to perform with him. It makes me consider what Matt said, maybe I could pursue a singing career. Ellie, The triplets, and Stephen have said that I should, and now I'm debating it. What's the worst that could happen?

I'm standing here on the side of the stage watching Stephen, I'm in my own world at this point just listening to him. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when his Manager taps me on the shoulder. "Ms. Monroe, Stephen would like you to join him back on stage to sing 'Until I found you' Are you up for it?" Ellie looks at me and screams "Yes of course I'd love to sing with him again." "Ok Ms. Monroe, go ahead and put your in ears back in, he's about to start 'Until I found you' Stephen and you will be singing the Em Beihold version." I look at her and nod and she smiles back at me.

"Alright folks, It's the last song of the evening and we're gonna switch it up a little bit. Bear with me y'all, Here's 'Until I found you'" I hear Stephen say from one of my in ears, the manager goes to get me a microphone. She gets back and hands it to me "You'll do great." "Thanks" the manager walks away and Ellie comes up to me on the verge of tears "I'm so proud of you Ads, your conquering your fears." I give her a big hug "Thank you Ellie, it means a lot"

I hear the guitar and I look at Ellie, She knows what I'm about to say and just nods. I put in my other in ear and just listen to Stephen sing his heart out. This is the song that made everyone know who Stephen is as an artist, It's crazy that I have the opportunity to sing it with him.

"I would never fall in love again
Until I found her
I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you"

"Everybody please welcome back to the stage. Adeline Monroe!!!!" I hug Ellie one last time and head onto the stage. I take one more deep breath before I walk into the lights and start walking towards Stephen. He looks angelic, almost unreal as he starts playing the guitar. How will I ever be able to live my life as before. This changes everything. I need to get out of my mind.

When I held you again
How could we ever just be friends?
I would rather die than let you go
Juliet to your Romeo
How I heard you say"

Stephen looks at me exactly how he did when I first got on for 'No one knows' but this time, it feels..... more...... intense? I can't quite explain this feeling. I'm probably just imagining it.

Ellie's POV:

I'm standing on the side of the stage and Addie just walked on stage. I'm looking at Stephen and he's looking at her like she's the only girl in the world. He looks hypnotized by her very presence. I'm definitely talking to Adeline about it when she gets off the stage. I'm so proud of her though, She conquering her fears, and her dreams at the same time.

No matter how much she denies it, We all know that this is her dream. It always has been. I'm just so incredibly proud of her. I tear up every time I hear her sing and now this is on a whole other level.

Adeline's POV:

I don't know if I'll ever get over this moment ever. Im singing with my idol, my celebrity crush, my legit crush. Stephen looks at me and sings the following lyrics

"I would never fall in love again
Until I found her
I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you"

Stephen is looking at me so differently right now. It's a look I'm probably imagining but it feels so real. I feel like Him and I are the only ones in the venue right now. The guitar solo starts and Stephen lets go of his guitar and swings it behind his back. He comes close to me, grabs me and starts slow dancing with me. I take out one of my in ears and I hear people start to gasp. Stephen hasn't been in a public relationship since Georgia, This is the first time fans have seen Stephen with someone publicly. That's terrifying to me and Im scared that I'm going to get attacked by his fans.

Stephen pulls me in and whispers "Don't worry about them darling, be with me in this moment." I immediately feel relieved as I hear him say those words. I started to relax and dance with him. I'm having so much fun with him and I forget about the audience and I'm just with Stephen and enjoying this moment with him. He lets go of my hands and goes back to his mic, he grabs in his guitar and he start to sing and I join him.

"I said I would never fall in love again
Until I found her
I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you"

That was it, probably the last time I will ever sing on stage with Stephen, "Everyone give a hand for Adeline Monroe!" the crowd cheers and I hug Stephen as I cry in his arms. "Goodnight everybody!" Stephen grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers and we walk off the stage.

Ellie sees Stephen and I hand in hand and screams. I let go out his hand and immediately run to hug her. "Oh my god ads that was amazing, I'm so proud of you" "Thanks Els." Stephen stands quietly, I see him and realized that I should introduce him to Ellie. "Ellie this is Stephen, Stephen this is Ellie." "Hi Sweetheart" Stephen says and looks Ellie into a hug, part of me feels jealous?

It's not that serious, Ellie's with Matt, but I can't help but feel jealous. Stephen lets go of Ellie and looks at me "So when can I see you again darling?" I actually gasp and try not to cry. "Whenever you want handsome." Handsome?!?!?! I'm gonna kick myself, what am I doing? "How about after tour, I come back to LA, and I take you to dinner. How does that sound darling?" "Sounds amazing Stephen" "Great, I'll keep you updated in your DM's" He said as he winks at me. I feel weak in my knees, he hugs me again and kisses me on the cheek. He lets me go "Ok get home darling. Be safe" "Ok Stephen, thanks for letting me sing with you" "Anytime Gorgeous"

Me and Ellie walks towards the back door to get out. I'm honestly exhausted. "I can't believe Stephen asked you out." "Honestly I can't either, but I don't think I can go with him." "Why not? you've been dreaming of this day for months, almost a year even. What changed?" "My past Ellie." "Addie I love you, but don't let your past affect your future. Please at least think about it?" "Ok I'll think about it Ellie."

We got in the car and started driving home. Ellie's driving because I feel like I'm about to pass out. "So I'm thinking about pursuing music." "That sounds like a great day Ads, I think you should." I nod and just think about everything that happened in the last couple hours. I sang with Stephen twice and he asked me on a date. I feel like this is some sick joke. I really hope it's not though.

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