Chapter 3 - Profile Photos

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I see Bel Powley with an empty seat next to her and immediately move to sit there. While she still has a lot more experience than me, girls stick together in all situations.

"Hi, Bel, right? Can I sit here?" I ask

"Oh my gosh of course! I was hoping we would end up next to each other!"

She was so refreshing and down to earth. I knew we were going to grow close just based off the 10 minute conversation we'd had.

"So, out of everyone here, besides Tom and Steven, because they're Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, who are you the most starstrucked to meet?" She asked me

I notice this question made a few of the guys' heads turn, including Callums.

"Honestly?" I asked

"Honestly." she clarified

I knew who it was, it was Callum. He has been my celebrity crush since Fantastic beasts where in all of his interviews he is like the most golden retriever guy I have ever seen. But for some reason I didn't want to say that, so I say my second most star struck person to meet.

"He's not even here yet, but Anthony Boyle." I say

"Boyle? What's he in?" Bel asks

"He's in like two episodes of Derry Girls but I am obsessed with the show so knowing that he knows that cast is mind boggling to me."

Everyone that heard that bursts laughing and for a second I feel like this might be a good year of filming and bonding.


The night goes on, and lets just say shots get bought, the execs, producers, and crew leave and it's just the cast left. I already text Sophia to not pick me up and let her know that Bel is DDing as it is 11:30 and I am just passed tipsy.

I am waiting for a refill of my diet coke and vodka at the bar when Callum leans to my ear and says

"So Anthony is the person out of all of us that makes you the most star struck."

"Well he's second, really it's you but I don't know why I didn't say that." I stupidly reply. He got me at a time where alcohol has taken over the cool part of my brain and just the omg im in a room with celebrities part of my brain is speaking.

"Oh really!?" He says grinning from ear to ear

"Don't be too flattered there, you're talking to a girl who used to be a major Potter Head. I'm 99% sure they could've casted a scarecrow as Theseus and I would be star struck." I say while trying to show my sense of humor.

"I'm still taking it as a compliment." He responds still grinning. I love that his smile is so true his eyes are barely visible from how big his smile is. "Also, can I get your number? This way we can contact each other through a better platform than Instagram DMs. I don't really trust them. I'm always scared they will leak somehow."

"Of course," I replied, giving him my number. He pulls his Phone up and I don't realize he's taking a photo so he gets a photo of me mid laugh and puts it as my profile on his phone.

His text comes through so I do the same and grab a photo of him and his cute grin

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His text comes through so I do the same and grab a photo of him and his cute grin.

"Shots?" Barry comes in asking breaking the lingering eye contact we had I turn and say

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"Shots?" Barry comes in asking breaking the lingering eye contact we had I turn and say

"Why not?"

Callum and I interlock elbows while Austin and Barry do and we take down too many, turning the rest of the night into a blur.


My eyes flutter awake as I stretch out in my bed.

How did I get home? I wonder. I roll over to check the time and jump up when I see 1:45 PM.

Shit I was supposed to meet Sophia for lunch at 1:30. I jump up, throw sweats on and grab my phone as I frantically call her.

"Please don't hate me, I just woke up." I say once she answers.

"Don't worry, you can make it up to me by telling me about your night. I just got seated in a hurry so I don't have to look like I got stood up and get the pity stares from people around me!" She says as hanging up. I laugh but am still in a daze from last night. How did I not only have Callum Turner's number on my phone but just spent the night with a bunch of A-List celebrities. This feels like a simulation. While at a red light I check my phone to read through the missed texts and text Bel asking how I got home and how much of a fool I made of myself during karaoke.

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