Chapter 4 - I'm living the dream

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After Sophia and I's lunch where I explained everything from the night I finally checked my phone and the messages from Bel

Convo with Bel:

Bel - Ok don't freak out you did belt Adele with Callum but it was lowkey really good and I doubt anyone remembers.

Me - NO I DIDN'T!! Adele is my shower song and strictly a shower song. I am never showing my face again.

Bel - you should have the vid I was recording on your phone the whole night so you would have the memories 😉

Me - How thoughtful of you

GC of cast:

Austin - Hey guys rough night last night but a fun one. Tom asked me to make a gc of all of us to stay in touch and send updates as everyone should know by now character work is starting and meetings with him and Steven are starting.

Tom - Thank you Austin. Steven and I are encouraging you guys to do a deep dive of research. It's important to remember we're playing real people here and telling their stories. Additionally, I'm gonna tell you the groups right now that you will be spending basically the next month traveling to each other's home towns as it is very important you guys have the chemistry of best friends. (This is mostly based on the rank and flight crew of your character)

Eve, Callum and Austin you will be together as you know the show relies on your chemistry.

Anthony, Bel and Louis you will be together

Nate and your entire flight crew are together

Tom releases basically the people we're going to be spending the most time with

Convo with Bel:

Bel - ooo girl you get Callum and Austin I'm jealous

Me - What did Tom mean visiting each other's home towns?

Bel - It's what he's known for. He has his cast that will be playing close friends go and meet each other's families and learn about what their childhood was like so they kind of get a feel for the time when they didn't know each other.

Me - i never knew that, that's kind of cool. Too bad Austin literally grew up 30 min away from me, I wanted to travel.

Bel - looks like I'm going to Ireland and France!

Me - I'm so jealous right now, I've never been out of the country.

Bel - No way! So the shoot in London will be your first time in Europe!? Well, Callum's from London so you'll get acclimated before boot camp at least. Maybe you guys can do karaoke with Adele instead of butchering her songs.

Me - LMAO i just cackled

Convo with Austin and Callum:

Callum - Hello mandatory best friends, I just got the details of the trips to each other's hometown we're spending 3 weeks in LA between Eve and Austins hometown and then 2 weeks before bootcamp in my neck of the woods in London sense we're shooting there as well. We're also sharing a suite during the time we're filming

Austin - Sounds good to me. Hopefully you get used to us Eve 😂

Me - Haha! Shouldn't be too bad as long as you guys put the toilet seat down.

Callum - I won't be making any promises

Every time Callum texts this profile makes my stomach flutter a little bit. I don't think it has fully hit me that this is happening and I'm about to be living and traveling with the two biggest heartthrobs of the 21st century.


Authors note

The cast has to do 2 weeks of military bootcamp before shooting as their playing members of the 100th bombing group. The boot camp and shoot of the series is in London where the actual bomb-group was in WWII.

They get split into groups to create relationships with the people that they will be playing relationships with in the series. 

Austins character Gale Cleven (Buck), Callum's character John Egan (Bucky) and Eve's character Grace Willems (Ace) all play best friends since training that are being sent as majors in the 100th bomb group

Eve's  character is made up as there aren't many women in the actual show but in it she's playing the first female pilot who ends up being one of the best. 

The future chapters will basically be their time together in home towns, then bootcamp and filming, and then lastly, like press and the premier. It's all kind of based around Eve and Callum's relationship and you get to watch it grow and how they figure things out. 

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