Chapter 19 - Wonderwall

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"Callum Turner?" Somebody called from behind as we were walking back to the car. We both turned around to see two teenage girls standing behind us.

"Hi! Sorry to interrupt but can we get a photo with you?" One of them asked

"Of course!" Callum responded

"Here, I'll take it for you guys" I offered. She handed me her phone and I snapped a photo of them. They talked about Fantastic Beasts and Emma. The way Callum was so sweet to them warmed my heart. Growing up in the LA area you kind of learn not to walk up to celebrities because it ruins your perspective of them, but Callum probably just made those girls years. As we got in the car I turned to him,

"You're pretty cute you know?" I said gushing over the fact that I get to be the one to have him.

"You're pretty cute yourself." He said leaning over the center council to reach me.

"I try," I replied, closing the gap between us as his hand grabbed my cheek. When we pulled away I saw one of the girls' jaws dropped outside the car window watching us. I started laughing as I signaled Callum to turn around.

"Whelp, that's awkward." He said as he waved to her and drove away. His hand held mine and I took photos of London on my digital camera.

"Ugh I love it here! You literally grew up in the coolest place!"

"I could say the same about you" he replied, "But ya London is pretty cool, it's better with you in it." he said grinning as my face turned bright red.


We arrived home and put the groceries away as I changed into a white top, jeans and a slick back. I put on some makeup mostly because I knew we'd be going out afterwards.

"Hellooo!" Nate called from the doorway once again

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"Hellooo!" Nate called from the doorway once again.

"Shit did I forget to lock it again!" I said walking out to greet him Anthony and Barry.

"No, I let them in, don't worry." Austin said as he walked in with them

"We come bearing gifts!" Barry exclaimed. He held out an apron with the body of a jacked guy in a speedo on it and Nate was holding five others with a girl in a bikini on them.

"Oh my God that is amazing!" I said laughing as I took it from him.

"You guys didn't have to do this, these are priceless." Callum said entering the room.

"Least we could do for you hosting." Anto responded. I hooked the loop around my neck and I felt Callums hands at my waist as he said,

"I'll tie it for you." His hand placement made my breath catch. The guys went into the kitchen leaving us there as he lowered his head to my ear and said, "You look absolutely stunning" His accent emphasizing the stunning making fun of me from the night before.

"You look absolutely stunning as well." I said as I flipped and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I don't think I've ever dated a girl this jacked before." He said, looking me up and down at my apron.

"I've never dated a guy that wears a bikini, guess we're both trying new things." I said jokingly poking at his apron. He laughed and placed his hand in the small of my back as we entered the kitchen for pizza making. Austin poured wine as we set up stations for everyone to roll their dough. We talked and laughed and I felt like I was on cloud nine surrounded by such amazing people that within such a short vicinity of time have become so close to me.

"Eve did end up getting those red bulls?" Barry asked

"Oh ya they're in the fridge, want me to get them?" I asked

"Let's wait until the pizza's are in the oven and we can make Jager bombs." Anto proposed

"Oh my God I haven't done a Jager bomb in so long!" Austin exclaimed

"I haven't done one of those since freshman year in college" I said, taking a gulp of my wine.

"Okay I have a question, if you could become a singer and had the chance to take any song as your own, what would you take?" Nate asked.

"Wonderwall, by Oasis," callum said immediately

"Mine would probably be some Coldplay song or something." Anto responded

"I would do Poker Face by Lady Gaga." Barry said, making me laugh.

"Mine would 100% no questions asked be What Was I Made For by Billie Eilish." I responded

"Can't Help falling in love by Elvis" Austin replied

"I think I would do Sarah's Place By Noah Kahan and Zach Bryan" Nate responded

"Are you joking you were hating on it like two days ago!?" I responded

"Ya I am, I would do Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift" He responded

"Valid, but I will not tolerate any more Noah and Zach slander."


We were done with the assembly of our pizzas so I went and got my camera and took photos of the food and guys. As we got them in the oven I set a timer and the Jager Bombs began. I drank most of my red bull on its own then had three bombs. The pizza's came out perfectly and we sat around the kitchen island enjoying our masterpieces. A tipsy Callum came over to me and enveloped me in a hug. Leaving one hand on my butt while the other held his pizza. I was a little too drunk to worry about what the guys might think but no one seemed to care.

"Helloo!" Bel called as she entered the flat.

"Bel!!!" I screamed and ran to give her a hug.

"Are we going to a pub or staying here?" She asked.

"Going to a pub!" Callum and Barry yelled in unison.

"Good, I have a taxi waiting downstairs." She replied as everyone followed her out of the house. I grabbed a clutch and threw my camera and keys inside after locking the door. Callum with his arm slung around me as it always is, guided me out to the car.

I didn't drink any more at the pub. Mainly because I was already tipsy but partly because I wanted to remember the night. It paid off because when karaoke began Callum was first in line singing Wonderwall on the stage. I almost melted when he sang the lines:

Because maybe

You're gonna be the one that saves me

And after all

You're my wonderwall

right to me. My camera's storage is now somehow full from the night and apparently all the guys now know about Callum and I according to Bel. I'm glad the guys know now. While sneaking around can be fun, I think I'm in love with Callum and I want us to be serious. I just wish I knew what he wanted. 

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