Chapter 17 - Boot Camp Baby

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"Alright everybody, circle around." Captain Dye announced, "This is how this is going to work, you are your character. Your characters have ranks, that's your rank. This isn't meant to be brutal but you're learning how to be and act like soldiers. You'll learn the planes, by the end you'll know the B-17s like the back of your hand. We'll do bonding exercises and competitions. If someone of a higher rank tells you to do something you do it. We'll run, do puzzles, and have a good time, there will be rewards so listen to instruction before each task. Today we will start with running a mile then I will teach you all how to march like soldiers. Anyone with a scene in a plane will get to go in a B-17 for the first time. We'll break for lunch, then start back up with the 100 man push-up and end with rank activities. Now run to the mile marker and back go!"

To say I hate running is an understatement. To be running with a bunch of high testosterone, competitive guys is living hell. I stayed in the middle of the pack the entire time. Callum, Barry and Austin were having survival of the fittest race the entire time. On the return I saw a lot of the guys struggling so I started cheering for them. I played soccer my entire life and I know how much running sucks first hand. Whenever we did the beep test I'd always cheer for the girls who hated it the most. Let's just say I guess that's not as appreciated amongst guys because I got a fuck you right at me. Luckily, Nate was right next to me and said,

"Chill man, learn how to run then start making comments."

"Guys are so different from girls." I said heavy breathing

"Trust me I know, my sisters versus me and my brothers are like different worlds." He repsonded

"Remind me to talk to you about your family when I'm not sweating and breathing like a pig." I said to him, making him laugh.

We got back to the warehouse to see everyone either hunched over or on the ground. I grabbed my water and found Callum.

"So, who won?" I asked the three panting guys while smiling.

"Callum" Austin replied, "But tomorrow it will be me."

"In your dreams Elvis." Callum responded

"Well I single handedly made half the guys hate me. I had no clue that cheering on the last people would make everyone erupt." I said laughing

"It was pretty awesome," Nate added, "the last guy gave her a fuck you."

"Next time, shove it in his face and say, thats fuck you Major." Barry said, making me actually laugh.

"They're all just a bunch of wusses who can't handle being beat by a girl." Callum said, "what an idiot."

"Well, I'll be keeping my cheering down for the next two weeks." I said turning to face Captain Dye who walked outside.

"Alright! Line up!" He called, "Get into 5 lines behind Major Grace Willems, Major John Egan, Major Gale Clevens, Major Robert Rosenthal, and Colonel Harold!" he yelled. I stood between Austin and Callum and Anthony was first in my line.

"You think we're gonna get the march right today?" I asked

"With the best Major as our leader, ya I do." Anthony responded

"I wish Bel were here, or literally any other girl.I can't believe there's not even a women's restroom."

"Oh my God what are you gonna do if a guy is using the urinal!?" Anthony said putting an image into my mind I didn't want.

"Alright! This is our first competition. The first major to get their line of men to march correctly using their voice as guide wins. GO!" he exclaimed.

Oh shit! I thought to myself.

"Ok listen up you guys. When I say left step with your left when i say right move with your right. Let's go right now and get the kinks out until it's right!" I said as I realized I had the shortest line. All the guys that didn't pick me because I was a girl were going to regret that decision because it is way easier to guide a smaller line.

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