Chapter 5 - The Shining

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It's been two days since the cast dinner. I've chatted with Bel a lot and we've already grabbed coffee together. I met Anthony Boyle on a face time with her as those two have gotten pretty close since they realized they are spending the next weeks together. He made fun of me for only knowing him from Derry Girls and I begged him to take me to meet the cast. In just two days I will be staying at my childhood home for 9 days with Callum and Austin and I have no clue what I'm going to do with them. I grew up in San Diego California so I basically grew up doing what tourists do everyday. The only times I've texted Austin and Callum was to give them the details of my house which makes me kind of sad seeing how close Bel and Anthony have already gotten. Sophia is coming over to my house in 30 minutes though to watch The Shining so I go to get changed into comfy clothes and go out to pick up food.


"Let's get the binge sesh begin!" Sophia exclaims

"YEESS!! Let me grab a blanket, do you want one?" I say as I get up to grab my phone as well."

"Sure, you know I just realized this is probably our last Binge sesh in your apartment until after your shoot!"

"Omg your right, we have to have one with Austin and Callum in San Diego though. You need to come down for a few days while they're here." I reply as my phone chimes.

"I don't think I could be trusted around Callum Turner or Austin Butler. I would make a fool of myself." She says

"Speaking of..." I say when I realize the text chime was from Callum.

Text from Callum: Hey what are you doing right now?

"He just asked what I'm doing right now! What should I say?"

"This is monumental, he's thinking about you, say Nothing much. No! Invite him over and I'll leave, you should have a movie night. No! You should go clubbing!"

"He is not thinking about me, Sophia. I will not date one of my costars in my first movie!" I say even though I think Callum is the hottest man on earth I genuinely just want to be his friend.

"I'm just gonna say watching a movie with my best friend Sophia."

"Don't say I'm here, just say I'm watching a movie." She corrects me and I do as she says and play the movie, even though the movie is the last thing I'm thinking about. How am I supposed to entertain two movie stars for the week!?

Convo with callum:

Callum - I was going to ask if you'd be up to do something but if you're busy we can take a rain check.

Me - That depends what "doing something" entails, if you're up for it you can come over and watch The Shining with me and my best friend. Super chill just her and I and food if that sounds appealing to you?

Callum - Sounds perfect on my way!

"Don't kill me" I say. We're about ten minutes into the movie so I pause it and start from the beginning for Callum.

"What are you doing, why are you rewinding?" Sophia says, noticing my phone in my hand, "What did Callum say?"

"I may or may not have offered him to come and watch the movie with us!"

"No Way! I am about to meet Callum Turner and I am in my twilight shirt from the seventh grade and my moms old juicy couture pants, this is a joke."

"Look, I am staying in my tank and sweats too, I just want to make sure Callum and I actually become friends for this show." I reply pleading with her.

"How mad can I be when I'm meeting my celebrity crush." She smiles and I know she's not actually mad at me.

I jump from the couch and start tidying my apartment in an attempt to make it look better before his arrival when there's a knock at the door.

"Ok he's here, just be cool." I say to Sophia knowing she's going insane.

"I'm always cool" She says as putting one hand on her hip and one on her ear.

"Mhm very cool, just be natural and don't pose, he's not a poparazzi." I laugh

I open the door to Callum Turner in gray sweats and a hoodie yet he still looks modelesque. He gives me a look and suddenly I wish my curly hair was a bit more tame and I wasn't wearing a tanktop and sweats and was wearing something that covered my entire body.

"Hello from the other siiiide." He sings and my jaw drops as I realize he is singing the song we sang on karaoke.

"Please do not bring me back to me belching out an amazing Adele song." I reply and give him a hug as a greeting.

"I remember you having the most angelic voice on the planet, then again there was a lot of tequila." He said, grinning that amazing grin.

"The video I have courtesy Bel says otherwise." I say smiling, "Callum this is my lifelong best friend Sophia. We grew up together, went to different high schools but ended up in Colombia together." I say introducing the two.

"Very nice to meet you Sophia" he says shaking her hand, "and I will be needing that video Eve." He says turning to me. I can't help but wonder why he shook her hand but gave me a hug when we met, but try to focus.

"Nice to meet you too, Callum Turner." Sophia says and I can tell she immediately regrets calling him by his full name.

"In your dreams you'll get that video, I am taking it to my grave." I say plopping on the couch. 

"Have you ever watched the shining?" Sophia asks him.

"I haven't but I hear it's scary," he says sitting to my right and Sophia on my left, "Do you two like it?"

"Oh ya one of our favorites we watch it at least once a month." Sophia replies. I play the movie and it goes to a comfortable silence.

I've always believed movies to be the best first hangout with a friend or partner because you don't have to talk but it gives you something to talk about afterwards or laugh at during. Even if Sophia and I had watched this movie a thousand times I still get scared at the jumpscares and I am the type of person that latches on to something in this case I stupidly grab on to the man to my right.

"AHH" I jump and grab Callums arm. At first I didn't really notice I had my head on his shoulder shielding my eyes from the screen but then I feel he had reciprocated the touch and his hand was on my back.

"Is it over?" I ask

"Ya" Sophia said laughing, "that part gets you every time."

"I never see it coming" I say giggling, but heart pounding and pull away from Callum hoping he isn't too weirded out. To my surprise he's laughing and says,

"That got me good, I like this movie, you have good taste Sophia." I can tell she is dying inside but all I see is Calum's arm going around my shoulders. I smile back up at him but don't lean in because I don't want to make this more than a friendly gesture. I can't ignore how comfortable I feel around him already though, I don't want to screw anything up though so I keep silent. 

Authors Note: Let me know if I should speed things up between them and who you want to make the first move

Also feel free to give any critics!

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