Chapter 22 - Chelsea Football

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Authors note - sorry for the wait I've been busy - hope you like it though and I'll update at my normal rate again now that exams are done

"No way we start shooting on Monday!" I realize while scrolling through my calendar laying next to Callum.

"I know, after today's shoot bloody boot camp is over" He replied just as shocked by the realization. He rolled over putting his arm around my waist and I jokingly put my hand in his face and said,

"I still can't believe you beat me yesterday during the race into the B-17s"

"Hey, can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." He said laughing while bringing our lips inches apart.

"Oh is that how it's gonna be?" I said laughing and placed one hand on his cheek pulling him in and then swerving at the last minute and getting up, "come on loverboy we have a promotional photoshoot in an hour and you're making breakfast, sense I apparently can't take the heat." I laughed as he rolled over with a grin on his face. Before I left to get ready I crawled back on top of him giving him a kiss and said,
"Don't worry I still love you"

"I love you more" he said, making my heart fly out of its chest


The publicist for MOTA met us at the set up for the shoot and gave us a little run down.

"Basically, series usually do what is called a promotional shoot for every season and sense no one really knows this production is happening we thought it would be great to get you guys on the cover of vogue but also get some good photos for apple to use and just good photos of the stars to be able to be displayed as publicity for the movie." He said.

As Austin, Callum and I were walking to go get hair and make up I said,

"Not once did I think when choosing to major in computer science would I be on the cover of vogue."

We got changed in and out of outfits, the whole experience was so quick paced and exhilarating. I don't know how to explain it but this really made me realize that I was actually in this TV show and it was happening.

"Hey, what do you have planned for tonight?" Callum asked, coming into the kitchen.

"Nothing, I was lowkey going to rewatch Derry Girls but what did you have in mind?"

"You really bloody love that show!" he responded laughing

"I wasn't joking when I said I was dye hard"

"Well I was thinking I could take you out on our first real date?" He said taking a step closer to me.
"Oh, were you?" I said putting my hands on his chest and looking up at him.

"Well, there's a Chelsea game tonight and I got you a jersey sooo I was thinking we could go to dinner then to the game? You got to go to at least one football game while your here" He said

"That sounds amazing!" I said giving him a kiss, "I have to get ready" I said turning to my room when he grabs my hand and pulls me back into him.

"Can't forget this" He said holding up a Chelsea football jersey with Turner on the back.

"It's perfect!"


We arrived at the restaurant that according to Callum was walking distance from the stadium. I was wearing the jersey he gave me jeans and slick back and he basically wore the same. As we left the house Austin made a comment about how couples that match outfits make him barf which made me laugh. We sat down and were immediately greeted with champagne and a private room and that's when I knew this was not just some small town restaurant. I looked at the menu so blown away by the price of the appetizers that I was scared to look past it.

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