Chapter 16 - Captain Dale Dye

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Today is the day before bootcamp. Callum Austin and I are sharing a flat closer to the set that's right next to the rest of the casts. We had to pack all our things last night and we're going to move into it today. Callum and I literally spent every night together. I know we're just casual but I don't know how to approach the situation of what we'll do on set. I'm getting tired of hiding even from Austin, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around him if we aren't in private.

"Hey the cars here you ready?" Austin asked coming into my room and grabbing one of my bags.

"Ya let me just say goodbye to Rosemary." I say walking with my bag in hand into the kitchen.

"Thank you so much for having us! You are so wonderful and I'll be sure to reach out for tea when I'm off set!" I say wrapping her in a hug.

"Ugh you are just the sweetest! I am going to hold you to the tea proposal." She replied. I walked to the car and loaded my things in the back with Austin. Callum was already in the driver's seat as I handed the passenger seat to Austin.

"Are you guys ok if like ten of the guys come over tonight? It's just the core guys who are playing majors with us." Austin asked, making me kind of bummed. It was our last night before bootcamp, I was kind of hoping it would just be us three.

"Fine by me." Callum responded

"Sounds good" I said, closing my eyes to comprehend the full situation I was in and about to encounter.


"If you could have any role in any movie or TV show, what would it be?" Nate Mann asked the group. I was sitting on the couch of our new flat with Callums arm around me surrounded by 11 other guys, one being Austin, who were going to be my coasters and hopefully become good friends. 

"Probably, James Bond." Austin responded. releasing a chuckle.

"Easy, Ron Weasley" Callum chimed making me look up at him and laugh

"I would go with like captain america or iron man." Nate added

"Mine would easily be Connell from Normal People" Barry chimed, surprising me. I would've expected something different from him for some reason.

"I would do Mrs. Smith from Mr and Mrs. Smith."

"Spy action huh?" Callum said smirking down at me

"I could see you being the next Angelina you know? You got the looks" Barry chimed, making me blush and suddenly become very aware of myself. Anthony seeing my expression immediately changed the subject to his dream role of the Terminator. Callums arm stiffened around me as he shot a dagger at Barry. Look, I have nothing against Barry. He seems very funny and gets along with the guys well, but the comments he makes when I'm around are starting to get old.

"Are you guys excited for boot camp?" Ben Radcliff, one of the guys playing a pilot, asked.

"I don't know, it seems like it's going to be hard and I'm literally the only girl out of 100 people." I said

"Ya, but you're a major so you'll be bossing around 99 other guys." Anthony added

"I think it's cool they're sticking to the ranks of the guys we're playing because it will really help us understand what it was like." Nate chimed in

"You know I saw a 17 year old kid arrive from Ireland today. He's in the show and all my research was talking about how kids snuck in." Ben said.

"Eve, your character actually sounds like a badass." Austin said, "She was the first female bomb pilot in the 100th and got there at the same time as Bucky and Buck but earned major before them. She was known as Ace because she was a better pilot than anyone but because she was a woman and couldn't move past major."

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