chapter seven

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A/N: little update :)

"So you hooked up with her?" Victoria asked.

The girls and I were at Kylie's house. We were all very hungover but we wanted to keep catching up so we went there for lunch.

"Mhm, but we've known each other since we were like five so it was like a friendly hook up" I explained to my Vic, talking about an old friend.

"I miss having a friendly hook up," Vic said.

"What do you mean? We hooked up last night" Stassie chuckled who was sitting on the grass next to me.

"Really? I don't remember" Victoria said and took a sip of her water.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kylie asked, walking out into the garden with her bikini on.

"How drunk Vic was last night" I answered, making Stas giggle and Victoria to punch my arm.

"Y/n!" Stormi came running towards me with bright eyes.

"Oh my god, Stormtroop! You've gotten so big" I hugged the little girl who gave me a little kiss on the cheek and sat her on my lap.

While I was away, I facetimed with Kylie and Stormi almost every day because I didn't want the little girl to forget me.

"Look what mommy gave me!" She showed me the pink dress she was wearing and gave me a bright smile.

"It's so pretty, baby" I smiled and looked at Kylie who was looking at us lovingly.

"Mhm, I really like it," Stormi nodded.

"Hey Goose, do you wanna go play with your baby brother?" Ky asked the little girl who hummed, kissed my cheek and left running.

"She's so cute," I smiled.

"Yeah" Ky nodded, watching her baby girl run back to the house. "Hey, so, for how long are you staying?" She asked me, making me turn back to the conversation.

"Uh, I don't know. I hope for a couple of years" I explained, making a pause to take my shirt off leaving me on my bikini top. "I definitely want to go back, though"

"Yeah, of course. I'm glad you're back though, we missed you" Stas nodded. I smiled at her and stood up, taking off my pants.

"Let's go to the pool" I said, stretching my hand out for my friends. Kylie grabbed my hand and hugged my waist. Out of nowhere, she kissed my lips. "Kylie!" I chuckled.

"What? I've missed you" She giggled.

"Come on" I kissed her cheek and grabbed her arm, dragging her to the pool.

"Jump!" Kylie ordered so I jumped on her back.

I laughed and kissed her neck making her tingle and lose balance. We both fell into the pool and laughed at each other.

"Smile!" Victoria chuckled, recording with her phone.

I flipped her off as Kylie hugged and filled my face with kisses. We stayed in the pool for a while and Stassie and Victoria joined us.

"So what's up with Kenny? I saw you guys hug last night" Kylie asked.

"Oh, yeah. I don't know, I guess we just missed each other. It was nothing though" I shrugged.

"Yeah well, you better tell her that" Stas laughed and I looked at her confused.

"Come on, Y/n. Didn't you notice how she was looking at you?" Victoria supported her friend.

"What? No, guys she's with Devin" I said. "Right?  I asked, looking at Kylie for back up.

"I mean, yeah but... She has that look only for you, baby" Kylie told me.

"Well, she's the one in a relationship so it's her problem" I stated and the three of my friends nodded.

"Cool, you can make out with us then" Vic smiled, making us laugh.

"What's with you and making out with your friends?" Stassie chuckled.

"I don't know, I'm horny" Victoria replied and we all started splashing her.

Kendall's POV

"Kylie!" I shouted from the entrance of the house.

"You sure she's here?" Devin asked. He was with his arms around my shoulders and walking next to me.

"She should be" I shrugged and walked to the kitchen. I heard laughter from outside so I went out with Devin following me. "Hey, Ky..." I went quiet when I saw Y/n. I bought her that white, kind of transparent, bikini a couple of years ago and she looked so hot and sexy in it.

"Hey you two" Kylie smiled at me and Devin, getting out of the pool and walking towards us. "What's up?"

"Uh, I came to look for the skims bodysuit you borrowed from Kim. Mom said it was here" I said, looking at my sister but every once in a while stealing glances at Y/n.

"Yeah, it's upstairs. Can you go get it? I'm dripping" Kylie said.

"I'll go," Devin offered.

"Thanks" I gave him a smile as he left into the house.

"Oh um, mom called me. She wants Y/n to come to lunch tomorrow" I said to Kylie who had grabbed a towel and started drying herself.

"And are you okay with it?" She asked.

"Yeah, I mean yes. She's being nice and I have a boyfriend so I don't see why not" I shrugged and nodded.

Kylie smiled at me and I frowned confused. "Hey, Y/n! Come here for a second!" She shouted for her friend.

"What's up?" Y/n smiled, walking up to us. I admired her body for a split second but I guess Kylie noticed because she hit me in the arm slightly.

"Mom asked if you wanted to have lunch at her place with our sisters tomorrow, they've all missed you" Kylie said.

Y/n gave her a small smile and nodded. "Of course" How can she be this fucking pretty?!

"Cool, do you want me to pick you up?" I asked. I don't know where it came from or why I asked but it just came out.

"Mhm, thanks" She nodded, meeting my gaze. There was a second of eye contact until my boyfriend came back.

"I got it, babe," He said, handing me the bodysuit. "Oh, hey. I'm Devin"

I panicked and looked at Kylie asking for help but she just hid a smirk and watched the interaction.

"Y/n" The brunette replied with a smile.

"Of course, I heard so much about you" He said, looking at me and back at her.

"I hope all good things" Y/n chuckled.

"Oh yeah" He laughed and looked at her up and down with a smile. Was he fucking checking her out?

"Okay, we're leaving" I demanded, slightly clapping my hands.

"Yeah, bye bye. See you tomorrow" Kylie kissed my cheek and hugged Devin.

"Bye" Y/n waved and went back to the pool.

Kylie walked us to the door and we left the house, getting into his car. As soon as he closed his car door, I snapped.

"Were you checking her out?!" I asked, taking my sunglasses off.

"What? No" He shook his head.

"Come on, I fucking saw you" I insisted with an angry frown.

"So what if I was? She's hot but I'm into you, you know that" Devin admitted.

I put my glasses back on and rolled my eyes. "Unbelievable" I sighed.

"I should be the one who's angry. You're friends with your ex? The one that fucking left you?" He said in an angry tone.

And then it dawned on me. I wasn't jealous he liked someone else, I was jealous because he liked Y/n. Even if she wasn't with me I didn't like him checking her out like that. What was wrong with me? He was my boyfriend.

"Its my fucking problem if I am" I answered even louder.

"You know what? Fine, do whatever the fuck you want" He snapped and started the car.

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