chapter eight

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Y/n's POV

After a shower and some time facetiming with my mom, I choose my outfit. I wore a low rise jean with a black skims tight shirt and a black shoes. I put on a long leather coat when my security called me to tell me someone was at the gate. I knew it was Kendall so I put on my Prada sunglasses, grabbed my purse and left the house.

"Hi, gorgeous" She smiled at me as soon as I opened her car door.

"Flirting already? I got here three days ago" I chuckled, taking off my glasses.

"Shut up, I'm being nice" Kendall giggled and started the car.

We drove to Kris's house making small chat. It wasn't awkward since we knew a lot about each other from our past relationship and it's obvious that we still had some connection.

Anyway when we got to her moms house, Kendall pulled up in her parking spot and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

"I'm sorry I didn't wait for you" She gave me a small smile. "If I'd known you were coming back I would've, but I really thought you wouldn't want to see me again so I tried to move on" Ken said.

"Yeah, but it's probably better this way. I mean you're happy with him, right?" I asked, meeting her beautiful brown eyes.

She bit her inner cheek and nodded. "Yeah" Kendall gave me a quick smile and then put her sunglasses on. "Alright, lets go"

We both got out of the car and entered the house. I've known the Kardashian family since I was fifteen because I went to high school with Kylie after moving to Los Angeles. My parents were successful actors and they were able to afford such an expensive school with a good education.

They were the big sisters I didn't have growing up and they didn't fail to make me feel loved and part of the family. Even when we confirmed our relationship with Kendall they got so excited they planned a trip with all of us to Greece. I was very, very happy to see them again because I missed them. I was also relieved that it wasn't awkward between me and the sisters after our situation with Kendall. I guess they saw me not as their sister's girlfriend and more as family.

The first thing I noticed when I went out to the garden were the sisters having lunch with the big reality cameras. I didn't really care though because I was pretty used to it.

"Oh god! Y/n!" Khloe was the first one that saw me, she came running towards me and hugged me so tight I thought I was going to die.

"I fucking missed you, Khlo!" I hugged her back. "You look so good"

She let go from the embrace and cupped my face.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Look at you! You're beautiful," Khloe said. Kendall walked up to us and hugged her sister.

"Hey gorgeous girl," Kim smiled and hugged me.

"Hi Kimmy" I smiled back and she grabbed my waist.

"Wearing Skims?" She winked, referring to my shirt. "It looks good on you"

"Thanks, I only wear the best of the best" She chuckled at my comment and kissed my cheek.

"I'm happy you're back," Kim said with a sweet smile.

"Yeah, we missed you, doll" Kris appeared from behind her daughter, opening her arms for a hug. I happily hugged the oldest Jenner as she caressed my back like moms do.

"I missed you too and I'm happy you girls are okay" I said to all of them.

"Oh, you're so sweet" Kris smiled and gently put a strand of hair behind my ear. "Come on, let's go eat before it gets cold" She said and we all sat at the table.

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