chapter twenty two

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I woke up the next morning naked in bed. I stretched and sat with one hand on my chest holding the sheets. I looked to my side and smiled, brushing a strand of hair from my girlfriend's face.

"Mm," She groaned sleepily. "Morning" Kendall smiled, opening her beautiful foxy eyes.

"Good morning, love" I leaned in and kissed her lips. We stayed in silence for a while just looking at each other. "Everything is fine, no? I mean, because of last night" I asked, sitting up straight.

Kendall sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

"We trust each other, right?" She asked and I nodded. "Then of course. We were both drunk and turned on, baby. It's okay" Ken said and I kissed her lips with a smile.

Finally, the night of fashion week arrived. We spent the whole day separated, each one preparing with the brand for which we modelled.

I loved working with Versace, it was such a comfortable space with good and professional people.

Night came and the event began. I was backstage about to go out for the grand finale.

"Are you ready?" Donatella asked, resting her hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Then go show off, bella" The designer smiled.

I took a deep breath and stepped out with a smile. The spotlights focused on me and people exploded with excitement. I walked to the end of the catwalk, posed with the other models and when I was returning I looked at the audience meeting the gaze of my girlfriend who was smiling proudly.

I blew her a kiss and waved to the entire Kardashian family who were standing applauding me. I exchanged glances and smiles with many friends and celebrities who all looked genuinely happy to see me up there.

When I finished my walk and returned backstage, all the staff congratulated me and the other models. I thanked everyone and excused myself to go outside to meet Kendall. When I saw her among the people, I ran into her arms.

"I'm so fucking proud of you, I love you so much!" She said excitedly, giving me the biggest hug.

" I love you" I chuckled, kissing her lips passionately. "Thank you, baby"

"Oh my god! Oh my god, Y/n!" Kylie exclaimed.

I let go of my girlfriend and hugged my best friend who couldn't stop congratulating me and telling me how proud she was of me. The Kardashians also congratulated me and hugged me.

"I'm seriously so proud of you, Y/n" Kim smiled.

"Yeah, what better way to get back into modelling after four years than closing for Versace at fashion week?" Khloe said cheerfully, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you and thank you for supporting me, you're like a family to me and I love you guys so much" I said, earning a smile from the sisters.

"You are family, Y/n. We love you" Kris said and gave me a hug.

a/n: short little update ;)

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