Chapter Eleven

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A week later Talon reluctantly accepted an invitation to dine from the French dignitary. The man was filled with more than just whine, he was large man with pale and sweating skin. Though he claimed relation to the royal Selkie family Talon had to see anything graceful, or handsome about him.

The dinner table held other ambassadors, and their wives. All of them seeming desperate to return to the rule they were acquainted with, such as china dishes and tallow candles. The servants moved in silence in the back ground serving the guest. The first thing to be served was a cold-pea soup.

He barely could stand it. The dull conversation persisted, as the man spoke of sports to be found in the local area of R'or, and the women chattered about their children and their hardship in finding good help.

By the third course, Talon wished that he could think of a good enough emergency to be removed.

"Is it true about the Royal family?"

Catching this, Talon turned his gaze to Mrs. Dupre, she was thin as her husband was round. She spoke in a nasal tone that no one could miss hearing no matter the distance she stood. She was not a handsome woman, with narrow features and too curly brown hair. "Is it true that the king is married to two women?" She said this at a gasp, her astonished gaze meeting the smirking gaze of the Spaniard. A...Senior Gutierrez, "How barbaric."

The Spaniard lazily lifted his glass for more wine, "Yes, is it not. It seems that the current Queen was married for political reasons, but the second wife was chosen before she mysteriously disappeared."

"Well, I never heard of such a thing," she turned her astonished gaze towards her husband, "Mr. Dupre is this true?"

Leaning back, Mr. Dupre seemed put out on having to confirm it, "I'm afraid so my dear, but, they are heathens it is not our business to care about what they may do." He glanced at those who shared their table, "Our only interested is those mines and the metal they contain."

"But the daughter from their union is a beauty," the German spoke up, his smile turning greasy. "She, unlike the others—does not wear the scarf. Her eyes are like amethyst hidden in the night. I wonder if it true what they say of siren..." "Hrm!"

Dupre cleared his throat giving Wilhelm a hard look, "I believe it is time for us to the adjourn to the billiards room," He motioned to his wife, "Dear."

She nodded, nodding to the other women who all stood and laying their napkins upon their plates retreated to her parlor.

Once the women had left the door shutting behind them, Dupre sent Wilhelm an annoyed look. "I would appreciate it if you did not speak of such things in front of my wife."

Wilhelm shrugged, giving Dupre an amused look, "You would hide your midnight secrets from you wife?" He scoffed, setting his cup down.

"What is it that's been said of sirens?"

Talon's drawled question drew all the men's attention, his finger slid along the edge of the glass. His eyes focused on his innocent movement, "I am only curious you understand," He lifted his gaze giving Wilhelm an easy smile, "The princess Kahlia carries such blood, right?"

Wilhelm feeling as though he'd found a friend, gave Talon a knowing smile. "Ya. They say sirens had a need for a men's warmth. Born whores, they will let anyone fuck them. Even the ugliest Schwein would be given a chance as long as he carries his member."

For a moment all was silent, as Wilhelm drew back his expression smug. He turned his gaze away from Talon and met Dupre's look, "If it were my own country, that heathen bitch would be bent over—urk!"

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