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irl, insta

solone walked along a street, her head pounding, stomach aching, sleepy eyes, and arms shivering, but she didn't mind. she was used to it. but none the less she was still wishing she'd eaten something before her medication. solone walked beside connor, him trying to find a good spot for taking pictures. him already getting a few of himself. but xocheitl and brady wanted a better spot. the two of them somewhere far away from them. "are you okay, sol?" connor asked, seeing as the girl had been off all night. she nodded towards him. her running her hands up and down her arms. connor didn't believe her, though. he might have only hung out with her a number of times. but he could read her.

solone slightly tripped over her feet, looking down at her feet and seeing that her shoe was untied. solone beat down, tieing her shoe laces. solone brought her hand to her head. as she finished tying her shoes. the ringing in her ears overlapped with the sound of her name being called from what left like hundreds of thousands of miles away. solone stood, and her vision immediately burned blotchy as she looked around. the street lights around her were uneven. her mouth filling with the sea as salty spit, that gargled in her mouth.

solone stumbled as she choked on her breath. as if the air got heavier and the floor dragged her down. gravity shifted as she was brought down. solone fell to her knees and scraped her elbows. them stinging with the pain of sunken pavement. adding another scar to the thousands that littered her.

solone pushed herself up onto her hands, spitting out the built-up saliva that filled her mouth. over the ringing in her ears. she heard her name being yelled. along with distant stomping. 'this wouldn't have happened if you drank water.' the voice in solones head yelled at her.

solone felt a hand grab onto her torso. solone, fuzzy-headed, she reached onto the person's broad shoulders her also reaching to placed a hand on their clothed thigh. their big hands, helping her lean back on her legs. "holy shit solone." connor looked down at the girl. her suddenly pale. her skin cold to the touch. "i'm okay; i stood up too fast." solone said she was trying to push up onto her feet. her left foot giving out as she tried.

"no, you're not okay, baby." connor told her he was leaning back and taking his red sweatshirt off his back. he pulled the fabric over the cold girl's body. "i'm okay, it's just from my bp meds and xanny; it makes you dizzy if you take them together sometimes." solome mumbled, closing her eyes, trying to stop the spinning. she leaned forward, placing her head on connor's shoulder. she inhaled his sentence. a warm oaky cologne made the girl smile at his t-shirt. "i felt it coming on, and when i went to tie my loose laces, i stood up fast and got dizzy." connor placed his hand on her back shocked that she wouldn't have told him. "i'm okay my nutritionist told me it was normal for my weight."

"fuck," connor mumbled under his breath. "connor, i'm okay. i just need to sit for a minute." connor laced his forearm under her legs, picking her up gently. her head going on his shoulder. "you're not fucking okay, solone." connor snapped. he was too busy worrying about the girl to listen to her lies. connor sat solone on a blench. him backing up, putting his hands on the back of his neck, and slightly pacing as he watched the girl closely. solone sat on the bench, her head lifting up as she looked around. her heart sank watching connor pacing.

"im okay." solone stood on the bench. "see, i'm okay. i just get lightheaded when i stand too fast." solone smiled at connor. he shook his head. "why didn't you tell me that? i would've helped you." connor denied the blonde girl's statement. solone shook her head. "connor, it's not your fault; you wouldn't have known. i didn't want to bother you." solone was interrupted.

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