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solone rolled over onto her shoulder, finally catching up to her as she lay. the past few days have been hell for the girl. her having to go off of her medications to try new ones that would hopefully work a little better. the girl's mother and father agree that it would be best if the girl saw another specialist during her time in new york. instead of  going on press with walker for the "percy jackson, the lightning thief." series that came out a few weeks earlier.

so starting a few days earlier, the girl had gone off her bp medications and xanny, which caused the girl to have crazy withdrawal symptoms.

so solone lay in her bedroom with a pounding head and barely any sleep. she is unable to even keep her attention on a tv, so she shows her mind a mile a minute. her mind twisting left in right, the girl getting queasy at little movements. a bowl beside her bed, the withdrawal symptoms taking over the girls past few days. she has plans with her friends but has to cancel because she is physically unable to go.

solones phone resting beside her; it connected to her crappy record player, and spongebob square pants laughing on her tv. the girl aimlessly looking at the tv. the thick bags under her eyes left her feeling like they had hundreds of pounds on them. the girl hasn't been able to close her eyes without them reopening within a few minutes. so when solone shut off the 4 p.m. tv program and turned up her record player, grace abrams finally soothed her eyes as she finally reached sleep.

the sleep left short lived when solone's body jumped as her ringer played through the speakers. shocking the girl out of her nap. solone reached forward, grabbing her phone and looking at the screen.


'messages from 'connor💗'

"how do you feel, sweet girl?"

"do you need anything?"

*incoming call from 'connor💗'*

solone whipped the sleep tears from her cheeks. solone answered the call. her eyes heavy as she looked around her now darkly lit room. "hello?" solone croaked out. the girl was sick from the lack of medications, feeling like she could be sick at any moment. her mother brought a bowl into her room for emergencies. the girl luckily did not have to use it. but it wasn't only the physical pain of withdrawal that she was feeling. but without the girls medications, her head was straining with the sudden thoughts that had been somewhat muted throughout the time of taking the medication. nothing feels real to the girl. the days are aimlessly passing, though. thoughts and voices going through one ear and out the other. "solone?"

"oh, sorry, i was thinking, what did you say?" solone focused back into connor. "are you feeling any better, sweet girl?"

solone looked up. her shaking her head as if he could see. "no," solones said. her voice was shaking, but she didn't even realize it. "oh, honey." connor could hear the exhaustion in the girl's voice.

"connor. it hurts so bad. there's so much happening in my head that i can't turn it off. i can't think. connor-." solone wheezed as she paused before signing. "i need you here." solone spoke. "please connor." solone needed his touch and his voice. she needed his presence. something about the boy could cheer the girl up during her worst hours. solone never knew a person could be so much more comforting than a bed. hell, she wasn't even dating him, and he was who she loved most.

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