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solone looked down at the hundreds of messages she had sent connor over the past twenty-four hours. not that she deserved a response. she whipped her eyes as she looked down at the messages. solone rolled down the sleeves of the red sweatshirt. her, bringing the callor to her nose. even after the girl had rotted in, it still smelled like connor. she even washed it. solone looked at her door, seeing the tightly packed suit case. tears brimming in her eyes as she looked at it.

she had ruined the best thing that happened to her in a series of words that came off her tongue like it was nothing to her. solone slightly mumbled a curse word as she looked at it. she had to leave for the airport in four hours. her thinking that she should probably give connor his sweatshirt before she leaves for new york. or that can be her excuse to tell him. tell him how she feels about him. to apologize.

the girl is groaning, realizing she will be in smelly new york by this time tomorrow. the fight has a 4-hour layover in denver, but the girl can stay in the vip lounge. solone is not wanting to see her father every day for the next 90 days. solone loved her dad, but he and solone had a way too similar ending in their butting heads. solone was excited to see her now-stepmom, though. but new york brought people she didn't want to see or live near. and it would be almost impossible to avoid them.

she had to see connor before then. the girl quickly stood from her bed, placing her shoes on, and walked down stairs and into her mom's office. "mom?" solone called. her mom looked up from the computer, looking at her beautiful daughter. "yes, sweet girl."

"can you please take me to connor's?" her mom began to shake her head. "i need to say sorry, and i didn't get to say goodbye. i messed up yesterday, and i need to talk to mom, please." her mom looked from her pile of work to her daughter. her slightly sighing before standing up. "your lucky, i really like this boy, or id would have said no." solone smiled as she walked into the garage.


solone sat quietly next to her mom as they drove. solone recognized the big house as her mother pulled information out of it. solone grabbed the red sweatshirt in her lap. as she opened the door. "solone." solone looked over her shoulder and at her mom, nodding her head. "you have two hours; i made reservations at the bj's next to the airport; it's for four people; make up with him."

solone nodded as she jumped out of her mom's jeep. her mom driving away as she walked up the path to the front door. solone took a deep breath as she knocked on the door. he stood for a second before the door was opened. solone made eye contact with a raven-haired boy. the face alike, but not the one she came for. "he's not here." solone looked down as brady leaned against the door frame.

"where is he?" solone asked, hugging his sweatshirt. brady flattened his lips into a line, shrugging his shoulders. "not sure." solone rolled her eyes at him. "brady, come on, i have to see him." solone looked into his eyes. "why, so you can tell him that you don't care about him again?"

"brady, i don't care about him. i." solone stopped herself before she looked into his eyes. "you what, solone?" brady asked. "i fucking love him, okay. he makes me feel like i actually matter, and i ruined that right when it started. why do you think i'm going to new york to get fucking tested instead of going on a trip with my family? i want to get better, brady. i want to get better for him." bradley stood, looking at the girl. "so tell me where he is so i can tell him before i leave." bradley leaned over, grabbing keys from a bowl next to him. "let's get going, lover." brady walked down the pavement and to a car.


"thank you, brady,solone said as she stepped out of the car and walked into the cold building. solone walked through the hockey wreck center. her looking for the fimmaler raven-haired boy. solone finally found what she was looking for. connor stood in the center of the ice rink., having to look down through her glasses as she saw him. he was shooting a line of pucks into a goal further down the ice. solone opened the door to the freezing, cold room. going down a long line of stairs, then through a dark, light corridor, and through another door to get to the rink. connor looked over at the sound of the door. from far away, solone saw him roll his eyes.

solone walked from the door to the opening of the plexiglass windows. she leaned against the door as connor began to move towards her. she grabbed onto her arms, biting them. solone looked at connor. his eyes were tired, and his cheeks and nose were red as they were flush with cold. he wore his hockey skates, a pair of black sweats, and a grey hoodie. solone thought he looked nice in his comfy attire.

"what do you want?" connor hissed; his voice was laced with venom. solone brought the sweatshirt up, showing him. connor rolled his eyes as he saw it. "oh, you can keep it; i don't want it anymore." solone looked down. she tucked her hair behind her ear. "connor." solone spoke. "don't fucking connor me." connor pointed at her. "you're the one that..."

"i'm going to bronx psychiatric in new york." solone looked at him. "there's a doctor there who specializes in bp medicine and services." solone watched as connor's face contorted. "i'm going because i want to get better." solone watched as connor shifted his weight on his skates. "i want to get better for you." connor shook his head, looking down at his feet. "i'm not saying this to guilt-trip you into forgiving me, connor; i just want you to know how much you mean to me."

"no one has ever. made me feel the way you do. you bring the best out of me. i want to feel the rush i get when i see you all the time. i want to be able to smile like i can with you all the time. i want to be able to feel sad without it staying for weeks." solone looked into connor's eyes. his once-tough face is now soft and sorry. "i lied because i didn't want you to think of me differently." solone looked up at his face. her eyes finding his. "i know that sounds stupid, but my whole life, it's felt like someone has been pressing down on my lungs, but when i'm with you, i can breathe." solones voice broke as she needed her sentence.

solone draped the red fabric over the door to the ice. the fabric getting sprinkled with tear marks. solone brought her watery blue eyes up, looking at connor. he stood, his face locked in an angry mug. "i understand that you probably don't want to be with me; be my friend, but please don't think i hate you. because you're the only person in the world i can bear myself with."

solone turned around, walking away from the hockey player. more tears spilled down her cheeks than ever before. solone sniffed as she walked to the exit door of the rink. her reaching for the second set of door handles in the dark corridor as her arm was pulled behind her. solone was spun around. familiar hands went to her cheeks, whipping the tears away from under her eyes.

"i don't want to be your friend anymore, solone." connor whispered as he looked down at her. more tears fell from solones eyes as he spoke. connor's thumbs whipped her eyes once more. "i want to be so much more than that."

connor looked down at the sad girl. he dropped his arms from her cheeks. his right hand went to the small of her back while the other gripped gently to her hip. connor pulled solone forward as he slightly bent his head down to make his face down to meet the girls. solone was shocked as she felt his lips press against hers, but before she knew it, she was kissing him back. her arm wrapping around his neck and her hand flowing into his hair. while her hand gripped his bicep. the two opening their mouths at the same time to get a breath in.

solones cafes began to scream as she was standing on her tippy toes. solone moved her face to the side as she felt their mouths moving in sync. solone leaned her head back as her frame was pushed into the wall behind them. she gasped at the sudden impact. connor moved his head back as he heard her gasp. solone looked at him as he breathed through his bruised lips. his eyes were worried, but solone looked up at him, his hair now messy from her running her fingers through it. "who said you could stop?" solone asked, grabbing onto the front of the hood of his sweatshirt.

her lips against his as she felt his tongue slip into her mouth. solone hummed into his mouth as they kissed. her hands moving up and down, his back lightly scratching. solone and connor broke apart. they were breathing heavily as they looked at each other. "you don't understand how long i've wanted to do that," connor breathed out. solone laughed as she looked at him. "umm, two saturdays ago?" she asked. "no, not even close."

liv ʚɞ


ive been updating a lot recently because i might disappear for a few days i'm having family in town

A/N hope you like the chapter !!!
that's all, hugs and kisses guys
drop comments and concerns here

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