Chapter 27: It's Just A Game

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It's been a couple of days after you had the Punklorde world tour with Silvie. You were now back at the Stellaron Hunter's spaceship, awaiting for your next mission. There weren't any new missions, and all you and Silvie did was play games, all day, every day. You've spent more time in her room than yours at this point. Then, one night, as you headed towards Silvie's room for another gaming session, she introduced a new game to you.

"Intervened by luck, separated by chance?" You asked.


"Imma be honest, that name sounds like a bad translation of something that sounds much more better."

"The name's not important, ya' goofball. What's more important is the story. I want you to play through it and tell me what you think."

"So this is a visual novel, huh? Are there multiple endings or just one?"

"Nope, just the one."

"I see," you said as you booted up the game. "So what can I expect from this?"

"You know, the usual visual novel schticks: love, hate, passion, regret..."

"Mmhmm. So what are your thoughts, after playing through the game? I assume you've already finished it, right?"

"Well... The characters are fine, the art's okay, the lead-up to the climax was pretty good, but the ending... argh, you'll see."

So, you started to play the game, with Silvie watching you play from behind you. You started going through the story, taking your time to read through all the dialogues and events happening in the game. The story is about 2 people who happen to be in the same working environment together, and as they started working together, their relationship improved when they realized they had a lot in common, such as the same special hobbies that not everybody around them share. With that, their relationship blossomed into love, but their time together was short-lived. An unfortunate accident happened upon the male character of the story, and after being in a coma for a month, he woke up, but he has amnesia, and he's forgotten about his time with the female character. The female character was desperate, and she did almost everything in her power to try and remind him of his time with her. She tried sharing him their hobbies and also showed him pictures of their time together, but whatever she tried, it wasn't working. In the end, the female character chose to leave the male character be, and has given up on reminding the male character about his time with her. The ending was left in a cliffhanger, where the female character and the male character would go their separate ways, with the conclusion of whether or not the male character's amnesia got cured was left ambiguous.

You were really invested in the story all the way to the end, and Silvie was watching you play behind you. After some time, Silvie got bored and started to play some games on her phone instead, but still sitting at her chair behind you. Then, she laid chest down on her bed, playing on her Funstation Portable. Later, she got tired and accidentally slept on her bed while you were still playing, since it was pretty late already. Then, as she woke up, it was already the next morning, and you were still playing through the game. So, Silvie went to the cafeteria and grabbed some breakfast, and as she returned with your breakfast in hand, you exclaimed in a sad tone.

Tears were running through your face, and you kept clicking on your mouse, reading through the next dialogue. Silvie guessed that you were nearing the end of the game, and sat on her bed, waiting for you to finish. Then, as the credits rolled for the game, your tears were already rolling down your face, and no amount of tear wiping could've keep your face dry.

"...So? How was it?" Silvie asked, maintaining a curious tone in her voice.

"I-I-It was horrible!!!!" You couldn't hold it in anymore, so you started bawling your eyes out.

"Why did Sylvia had to give up on reminding Carlos about their time together???? Why did Carlos not try hard enough??? He even said that their love transcends through time and space, so why does he not remember???!??!???!?"

Now you really can't stop the tears from falling, and snot even build up to your nose. You let out a few sniffles, and Silvie handed you some tissues.

"There, there, it's alright. It's just a game anyway."

"I-I know it's just a game but... I can't help it...!! I'm too invested in their story now, I need to know what happens! Does Carlos ever regain his memories?? Is Sylvia still in love with him even after he does remember???"

Silvie sighed and patted on your back. "If it makes you feel any better, the developer's releasing a dlc for the game, and its said to explain what happens after the cliffhanger. Might be out of pressure from the fans demanding to know what happens next, so who knows? Maybe they got together again. At least, that's gonna be my headcanon anyway."

You wiped another tear from your eye. "So there's still hope?" you sighed in relief. "Okay, that made me feel a little bit better."

Silvie looked at you and shook her head while grinning. "Ah, such a dum-dum," she thought to herself.

Intertwined by Fate, Reunited by Destiny (Silver Wolf X Reader(Caelus))Where stories live. Discover now