Chapter 47: Going Rogue

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When you opened your eyes, everything was blurry. Some bright lights were shining on you in front of you, which you deducted were screen monitors. You could feel something heavy on your lap, and as you looked down, you could barely make up the size of the thing on your lap. It was a person, and that person resembled a lot like the person that you've been having dreams about, with them having the same color of hair, although you're not quite sure what color it was. Then, the person took their hands off what seems to be a keyboard and a mouse, stretched her fingers, and looked over her shoulder to tell you something.

When you blinked, you were now on the ground, with your eyesight still blurry. You could see the same person trying to fix a wound on your body, although you don't see your wound and just see the person's hands on some part of your body. Then, you started to faint.

As you opened your eyes again, you were now on top of what seems to be a tall building, looking down at what seems to be a city. There was a purple hue around you, and when you looked to your right, you could see the same person again, and they seem to be talking, although they were facing away from you. Then, you held their hands, and right after you did that, everything faded to black again.

When you opened your eyes again, you could faintly see a sun that was about to set, or about to rise. You were looking directly at the person, shouting about something at them. Then, they said something, and came to embrace you. You also wrapped your arms around them as your vision starts to fade back to black.

As you opened your eyes, you could see a man with bright red hair standing in front of you with his back turned against you. As you started to adjust your eyesight, it became clearer and clearer. You could also feel a single tear coming down from your eye. This time, it didn't feel like another weird vision. 

As you slowly regained consciousness over your entire body, you could feel your arms and legs have been cuffed by some sort of electrical cuffs. You tried to break yourself out of the cuffs, but to no avail. Then, the man with bright red hair heard your struggling noises, and turned back to face you.

As you took a good look at his face, the first thing that you noticed was his mohawk, and next was his electronic eye. His entire face was also filled with piercings, on his nose, ears, mouth etc. Then, as he crouched down to look at you even closer, you had another vision, but this time it was as clear as day. In the vision, you could see the same man standing in front of you, with electronic cuffs on your hands as you kneeled on the ground. Then, you remembered about the rant he had about something. The rant he had about... his name.

"Re... Rewind?" You said, still lying on the ground.

Rewind stood there in silence, still looking at you. Then, he pulled you up by your shirt, and pulled you closer to his face.

"...You've got a lot of guts, coming back here."

He pushed your head back down to the ground.

"Wh... What do you mean by that?"

Rewind looked past his shoulders, and snapped his fingers. Then, 2 of his men came by and held you up in a kneeling position, still holding on your arms. Then, Rewind gave you a nice kick to the stomach. You let out a small pained grunt, but you didn't have the voice to finish your grunt. As you curled your body in reaction to the pain, the 2 men held you back up.

"You really think, that I would just magically forget about, what you and your little girlfriend DID TO ME?!" He furiously pointed at you as he said so.

"I... I don't know what you're... talking about..." you said while bearing the pain of your stomach. Then, you suddenly felt another punch to your face. Rewind lowered down to your face again.

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