Chapter 54: The Game Plan

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So, with her arms spread out wide in a T shape, Silvie fell off the edge of the building with her back facing against the air while still showing a smile on her face. In shock, you and your friends immediately rushed over to look at Silvie still falling off the building with you reaching the edge of the building first, but from the distance, you could see a glider manifesting itself on Silvie's back, and Silvie glided away towards the location she shared on everyone's phone. You let out a smile of relief, and saw her figure slowly disappearing in thin air when Silvie activated her cloaking device. Then, you could hear some static on the ear comms, and seems like the rest of your friends also hear it too. A familiar voice came after the static.

"*bzzzz* *bzzzzz* comm check, this is Silver Wolf here."

"W-Woah! When did you got into our comms??" March exclaimed. 

"This is Himeko. We hear you, Silver Wolf." Himeko responded.

"Gosh, did you really had to scare me like that?" you said.

"Sorry, hehe. It looked cool though, didn't it?" Silvie's tone then changed from playful to serious. "But that's not important right now. In about 2 minutes, 30 of those robot dudes are gonna reach the tower, and they'll climb up to you guys in another minute. I'm gonna need you guys to help stall them as I infiltrate their HQ."

"30 of them?!? I can barely take on ONE of them! Is there a way for you to like... ya' know... hack them again?" March asked shyly.

"I already did, ice girl. They might've kicked me out of their main systems, but I managed to shut down at least 150 of these things before they did, which means those other 30 are just stragglers. Now, remember that parting gift I gave you guys?"

You then pulled out the disk thingy that Silvie gave you and told you to keep in your pocket without breaking it.

"That thing's gonna act like your hacking tool, as long as it gets in range, that small dongle's gonna start hacking every system that sends the same frequency as the robot dudes laying on the floor, but it's range is limited and hacks individually, so it takes time for it to actually finish the hack. And if that doesn't work..."

Then, a notification could be heard on everyone's phone. It looks like Silvie has sent a blueprint for the robots that she acquired from the hack.

"What the- How did you get our phone numbers?!?!!" March asked, surprised yet again. Silvie let out a smirk, but it wasn't audible from the comms.

"See that? Those are the blueprints for those robot dudes. Lemme just give you a simple rundown: joints, ribs, neck."

Dan Heng skimmed through the blueprints, and reiterated what Silvie was talking about.

"...Their weak points."

"Ding Ding! 100 points for the dragon boy."

"So just keep the robots on us while you go shut down their main systems and destroy the Stellaron controlling them, right? Consider it done, Silvie!" You said with a determined spirit.

"Awww that's right, pookie, such a smart boy~" Silvie responded with everybody still on the comms. Himeko and Dan Heng remained expressionless, but March had a gross look on her face. You don't dare to imagine Welt's face when he heard that, but now you were looking away from the others while blushing.

"Y-You didn't have to say that, Silvie..." you tried whispering into the comms, although even if the comms did pick up your whispers, everyone would've heard it anyway.

Silvie let out a chuckle. "Jokes aside, once I'm closer to the facility, there's going to be an interference- *bzzzzz* bzzzzzzz*"

Static replaced the words coming out of Silvie's mouth. You tried calling for her twice, and when she didn't respond, you took a look below the edge of the building. You could see at least 10 of them climbing up with inhuman speed. 

On the other side of the building, March was also looking down at the building from the ledge, and could see 5-10 robots climbing up the tower as well. 

So, with all the information and tools at your disposal, you and your friends get ready for a battle to determine the fate of an entire planet.

Intertwined by Fate, Reunited by Destiny (Silver Wolf X Reader(Caelus))Where stories live. Discover now