Chapter 8 | Healing Touch

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As the early morning light filtered through the windows of Carlisle's office, Ashley sat at her desk, the soft glow casting a gentle warmth over the room. She had arrived early to work, eager to dive into her duties as Carlisle's assistant. With a cup of steaming coffee at her side, Ashley busied herself with answering emails, her fingers tapping away on the keyboard with practiced efficiency.

Carlisle entered the office, his presence signaling the start of another day at the hospital. He greeted Ashley with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting genuine appreciation for her dedication.

"Good morning, Ashley," Carlisle said, his voice carrying a note of admiration. "You're here bright and early today."

Ashley returned his smile, her gaze meeting his with a sense of purpose. "Good morning, Carlisle," she replied. "I accidentally arrived early, so I thought I'd get a head start on the emails."

Carlisle nodded in approval, impressed by Ashley's proactive approach. "Thank you for your diligence, Ashley," he said, his tone filled with gratitude.

With their initial exchange concluded, Ashley seized the opportunity to inquire about their schedule for the day. "Are we going to visit any patients today?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Carlisle paused for a moment, considering her question. "Actually, yes," he replied. "We have a patient we need to see right away."

Intrigued, Ashley followed Carlisle as they made their way to the patient's room. As they approached, Ashley's heart sank at the sight that greeted them—a young boy lay in the hospital bed, his wrist mangled and swollen, evidence of a painful injury.

Carlisle took the lead, engaging the boy in conversation while Ashley observed his condition with a mixture of concern and compassion. She couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the young patient, his innocent eyes betraying the pain he must be enduring.

As Carlisle spoke with the boy, Ashley's attention was drawn to his injured wrist. Without conscious thought, she reached out, her hands hovering over the injured area. Inexplicably, a white spark emanated from her fingertips, suffusing the boy's wrist with a gentle glow.

To their astonishment, the boy's expression transformed from one of discomfort to one of relief as the pain began to subside. His eyes widened in wonder, disbelief mingling with gratitude as he flexed his wrist, testing its newfound strength.

Carlisle and Ashley exchanged incredulous glances, their minds struggling to comprehend what had just occurred. Ashley's hands trembled slightly as she withdrew them, her mind racing with unanswered questions.

"What... what just happened?" the boy asked, his voice filled with wonder.

Ashley hesitated, her mind reeling from the inexplicable turn of events. "It's... it's nothing," she replied, her words faltering slightly. "Just a... a lucky break, I suppose."

The boy nodded, his gaze lingering on Ashley with a mixture of awe and curiosity. "Thank you," he said, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I feel much better now."

As the boy's words washed over her, Ashley felt a surge of emotion welling within her—a sense of fulfillment unlike anything she had ever experienced before. In that moment, she realized the true extent of her abilities—a gift that she was only beginning to understand.

With a silent nod of agreement, Carlisle and Ashley exchanged a knowing glance, their shared experience forging a bond between them that transcended words. And as they left the room, the memory of that miraculous moment lingered, a testament to the healing power that lay within Ashley's touch.

The Doctors Assistant | Carlisle Cullen x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant