Chapter 28 | Harbored no Ill Feelings.

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In the quiet moments of the morning, as the gentle light filtered through the windows of the Cullen household, Ashley stirred from her slumber. The familiar routine of waking up to Carlisle's attentive care had become a comforting ritual in the days following the earthquake.

As she stretched beneath the soft covers, Ashley felt a twinge of soreness in her muscles, a reminder of the ordeal she had endured. Yet, with each passing day, she could feel her strength slowly returning, thanks in no small part to Carlisle's diligent care.

With practiced ease, Carlisle examined Ashley's wounds, his gentle touch a soothing balm against her skin. His meticulous attention to detail ensured that each cut and scrape received the proper care it needed to heal, minimizing the risk of infection and promoting swift recovery.

Over the past six days, Ashley had witnessed remarkable progress in her healing process. Most of the cuts had already closed, leaving behind faint scars as a testament to her resilience. Even the largest wounds were beginning to fade, their jagged edges smoothing out as new skin formed beneath.

As a witch, Ashley possessed a unique ability to accelerate her own healing, a gift that had proven invaluable in the wake of the disaster. Though her recovery was not as swift as that of a shape-shifter, she was grateful for the progress she had made thus far.

Despite still feeling somewhat weak, Ashley found solace in the simple tasks she could now perform independently. Whether it was writing in her diary or engaging in quiet conversation with her newfound family, each small accomplishment served as a reminder of her own resilience and strength.

Throughout her stay at the Cullen house, Ashley had been embraced as a member of the family. Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Alice had affectionately taken to calling her "mom," a gesture that filled her heart with warmth and gratitude. Though Edward chose not to adopt the same title, Ashley harbored no ill feelings, understanding his reluctance given the complexities of their familial dynamic.

As the morning sunlight bathed the room in a golden glow, Ashley took a moment to reflect on the journey she had undertaken since the earthquake. Though the road ahead was still uncertain, she found comfort in the unwavering support of her loved ones and the knowledge that, together, they could weather any storm that came their way. And with Carlisle by her side, guiding her with his steady hand and unwavering care, Ashley knew that she had everything she needed to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


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