Chapter 32

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It had been a week since everyone had been saved, a week since Jack and Bruce had confessed their feelings, and a week of daily sessions with Doctor Bailey.

More often than not, Bruce found Jack inside the medical room by Riddler's side. Edward hadn't shown much improvement, and Bruce could tell that it still held heavy in Jack's mind. Dick and Tim were out of bed now. They had been fine, in the end. Tim had been a bit disoriented, but after gaining his bearings he was as good as ever. Dick hadn't seen much of Jack, and it warmed Bruce's heart how Dick constantly asked for him.

Much like the past week, Bruce found Joker in the medical room. His hand was gently combing through the coma educed mans hair, seemly telling some kind of story. His words halted, as he looked up at Bruce. His smile was strained, as he spoke. "Afternoon, Brucie"

"Afternoon, Jack. How are you doing?" Bruce sat himself down opposite him, inviting the conversation. "I'm okay, I think. I know Eddy will be okay. It's just a matter of waiting"

"Jack..." Bruce's heart was heavy, not wanting to burst Jack's positive bubble. Because fact of the matter is, Edward Nigma did not seem okay. Despite now being accessible to proper medical treatment, he wasn't showing any signs of improvement. And in this case, that was usually not a good thing.

But Jack only smiled, placing a gentle kiss against Riddler's temple. "I miss him, and I know Harley does, too. He's being stubborn, but I can't blame him for that"

Bruce wasn't sure how to quite respond to that, so he changed the subject. "I wanted to ask you something. You are perfectly okay to refuse, I will not be offended"

Jack perked up then, looking at Bruce with a cock of his brow. "Yes, darling?"

"It will soon be my mothers annual charity ball, and I was wondering if you wanted to attend. As my date"

Jack's breath caught within his throat, looking at Bruce like he had asked him to marry him. "R-Really?!" His excitement was childish, but it warmed Bruce all the same. "Yes. You'll have to disguise yourself, but from previous balls I know you are amazing at that"

Jack giggled at the mention of him crashing many Bruce Wayne parties before. "Oh, Brucie! Will you show me off?"

"Of course I will"

A little shriek of excitement caused Bruce to laugh, and he watched as Jack bounced within his seat. "You hear that, Eddy? I'll be Bruce Wayne's date!"

"There are some ground rules, though"

That made Jack groan, throwing his head back in defiance. "You and your stupid rules!" Still, his tone was light, eyes gleaming with excitement that let Bruce know he had expected that.

"First off, if it ever becomes too much, I want you to tell me. Don't strain yourself for me" Bruce asked, and it made Jack's heart flutter at how his feelings were his top priority. "Of course, my darling"

"Secondly, I will introduce you as Jack, still. But no last name will be mentioned, as it is obviously now associated with you" Jack giggled, small and hearty. "Ashamed, Brucie?"

"Of course not. When the time is right, I fully plan to introduce Jack Napier as my boyfriend to the world"

Jack stuttered, cheeks flushing a bright shade of pink. "B-Boyfriend?" It made his heart swell, that Bruce had even thought about that, let alone the possible consequences of letting that out to the public. 

" hasn't been established, but if you'll have me..." Bruce grew shy, and Jack only stood to close the distance. "Of course I will. It just...shocked me, is all. That you had thought about it"

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