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The pair embraced as if pulled together.......... Kissing...........

My husband and another man...........

"Was that man just now your husband?"

A young man was standing right nearby.

"I-I beg your pardon?'

"Yikes, I nailed it huh? That's a hell of a turn of events. Here."

The young man offered me a handkerchief without a word.

I....When did...

I touched my cheek and noticed the tears on it for the first time.

I slumped the rest of the way to the ground weakly.

"Aww, geez."

The man stowed the milk and egg carton back into the shopping bag.

"If you cant stand, want me to carry you?"

I look up at his face.

But what's this guy's deal? He's grinning at me.

I ignored him.

"Hey, are you listening? I'm offering to console you here."

"I dont need your consoling!"

I felt like I was being mocked. I rose to my feet, unamused.

"I dont know who you are but I'm sorry if I've bothered you."

I bowed and reached to pick up my bag.

"It aint free."


He suddenly grabbed my arms and pulled me close.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Its just a joke Jeff."

"What? How? How did you know my name?"

"You're the reason I'm here."

I tended the bar you were at earlier tonight. Name's Topten. Nice to meet you."

I was floored.

"You're like the lead on a lakorn. Getting picked out by a National level soccer player, spotting your husband fooling around....,"he said with a laugh. "And the next plot will be even more dramatic...."

He squeezed me tighytly against himself. A kiss?

I flinched at the feel of soft lips upon mine ans found myself momentarily immobilized.

"Stop it!"

I shoved him away. He took it in stride.

"You're cute when you're angry too"

I snatched the shopping bag out of his hand.

"Grow up and stop picking on adults."

"Hey, I'm an adult. I turned twenty not too long ago."

20? I cant believe I'm letting a man 10 years my junior bother me! Ughhh.....

"Anyway, you've been a great help.


I ran from the scene, wanting to flee.


Please, let all this be a dream!

"Good morning. Something smells nice.

"Good morning Hubby."

Alan eagerly devoured the omelette and toast I had prepared.

As we ate together, I stole a glance at Alan's face.

IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now