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My father in law was in a bed at the ICU.

"A heart attack of all things...."Alan said in regret.

"For the time being, they've put in this thing, I think they called it a catheter. But mean time your father needs to stay under obervation."

"Were there any symptoms? Chest pains or other violent pains?"

"Not before noon, they weren't. Of course I dont know where he went off to but..."

My mother in law glanced over his shoulder.

Standing there was a man whom I had never met before.

"This could have turned out a lot worse of it wasnt for you. Thank you so much for all the trouble," Mrs Hemmawich said.

The man shakes his head.

"I-It wasnt any trouble at all...."

Wait, who is he?

I gave Alan a questioning glance.

But Alan remained scowling.

He wouldnt so much as glance in the man's direction.

"Um...I'll call my parents,"I inform him.

"Yes, please do"

"A heart attack? Really?"

"Yes Mae. He's supposed to stay hospitalized for observation at the moment."

"I see...What a terrible situation.... I trust that you'll attend to him as a bride of the Hemmawich family? You'll need to take care of yourself too Jeff. When you're tired, switch places with your mother in law."

"I know Mae."

I sighed as I hung up the phone.

I'm glad things turned out alright for now but... How long will he need to be hospitalized? I might have to take time off of work if it comes to it.

"We're leaving,"Alan said to me.

"Huh? Are you sure you dont want to attend him?"

"Mae's here so it'll be fine. We'll be discussing where to go from here tomorrow evening."

"Alright. I'll come home with no overtime tomorrow."

"Yes, please."

When I returned home, I felt shaken as I changed clothes.

I felt so incredibly gloomy...

I'll have some tea. I think we had some herbal tea left...

Huh? Alan is at the living room.

I went up to him.

"Alan. You're not sleeping yet?"

"No...I'm just too awake..."

"It must be hard on you."

"It is..."

He looks up at me. "I treated you poorly. You had such a nice award party and I ruined the whole thing for you."

"What are you talking about? We didnt get the call until after the party was over."

"Maybe so but...."

He looked like he wanted to say something but he just hung his head silently.

I sat down next to Alan.

"Mind if I join you?"

"I'll stay with you until you go to bed okay?"

Alan smiled at me.

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