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I worked on making breakfast and waited for Alan's bedroom door to open.

He shut himself in his bedroom last night and hasnt come out since...

Maybe I went a little too far. I even slapped him...


"Good morning."

"Good morning Alan."

He looked at me with a straight face. "I'm sorry about last night. You went through a lot of trouble on my behalf."


"I'll never do anything of the sort again. Would you forgive me?"

"I have already forgiven you," I said with a big smile.

"What would you like for breakfast?"

"Its okay, can you pour me some coffee please?"

"You'd rather not eat anything?"

"I've still got a hangover,"he answered.

"Thats pathetic of me, getting a hangover at this age."

"I'm sorry to say that after you went to the trouble of making it, but I'll just have coffee. I will be out of the shower shortly."


Alan is way more depressed than I'd expected.

But what is it that doesnt feel right about this? He was so down on himself, more than alcohol alone could explain. Can someone really change so much overnight?

"Jeff, can I ask you about the paint here? Is it okay to just paint it up?"Michael asked.

"No, it should be more....subdued, I say..."

"Subdued? Something more like this, then?"

Michael started flipping through samples.

"This one here is the closest," I said.

"Alright. I'll bring this to the contractors and fill them in. If I dont give clear instructions, the finished product might turns out differently."

"Good point. Thanks, Michael."

Michael gave detailed painting instuctions to the contractors.

Thank goodness I have Michael on this job. If not for him, it would never have gone so well.

"That should do it..." I said as I keyed in the details inside the computer.

"How's the wine bar coming along?" Mr Way asked.

"Its all going on smoothly. Constuction is lagging a little behind, but its all well within our expectations."

"I see. Its tough handling a project from the start, hm?"

"Yes, sir. But I've got Michael following up everything, and thats a huge help."

"Good. You should take this as an opportunity to learn how he operates. After all, sooner or later..." You'll be getting jobs that you'll have to handle by yourself. I'm expecting the best from you."

"Thank you very much sir."

"I'm home...! Alan's home already...

"Sorry, I'm late. I'll get dinner started right away."

I quickly unload the groceries on the table.

"There's no rush. I've already finished."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

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