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My shopping bag slipped from my hands.

The eggs landed with a crack... But I was still frozen on the spot.


Alan was kissing an unfamiliar man even as I watched.

My husband whom I had only married three months ago.

Six months prior to that point

"Well, well, look at what a lovely man he's grown into!"Mr Hemmawich said with a big smile.

"Do you remember Jeff?"he asked his son. "You met him once before."

I was surprised to hear that. "Err, we did?"

"Now, now dear. How long ago was that?"Mrs Hemmawich intervene.

"Hahah, of course, you're right. I beg your pardon."

My mum turns to look at me, "You know Jeff, Mr Hemmawich joined us when we were celebrating your birth."

"Is that right?" I turn to look at Mr Hemmawich, bow my head slightly with a thank you.

"Think nothing of it. But goodness me, you were such a tiny baby then. I never imagined you would marry my own son!"

"Now, now, nothing has been set in the stone yet my dear."

"Hahah, of course, dont mind me."

"But we would love to go through with that if Alan is all right with it," my Dad said.

"Yes, very much so," Mum agrees.

Both Mum and Dad looks so happy. Its understandable since my Dad and Mr Hemmawich are good friends after all.

"Long time no see, Alan," my Dad greeted the young man.

"It has been quite some time. I should thank you for your aid in the business deal the other day."

"I heard rumors about you from your supervisor,"my dad continues. "He said that you're the best out of your whole crop of peers."

"Alan works for CP ALL Products, doesnt he?

How impressive," my mum gushed.

I looked questiongly at the man upon whom my mum and dad were lavishing praises on.

So this is Alpha is Alan Hemmawich. I wonder what he's like.

He looks sincere and serious at a glance.

Alan glanced up.

Whoops. Our eyes met. I quickly look away shyly.

"Is something wrong Jeff?"my Dad asked.

I shake my head.

"Hahaha, I'm sure our young groom-to-be would grow bored to tears of we did all the talking."

"He's hardly young. My son is already 30."

"I wouldnt say that Pon. These days, thirty is considered young. So much that they say you come of age when you hit thirty. Times are so different from when we grew up."

"Why dont you two take a walk around outside?"my Mum suggested. "The gardens here are quite beautifully arranged, I hear."

"That sounds fascinating,"Alan said. "Shall we go Jeff?"


I came here because he invited me but somehow, I felt a bit cramped.

Alan kept up so much conversation with my dad but yet the moment he stepped out into the garden, he stopped talking entirely.

IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now