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"Oh. They've settled on the wine bar design?'

"Yeah! And the one they chose was that one design proposal you drew up." Micheal annouced. "You know, the one based on tips from your husband..."

"That one? Really?" I said excitedly.

This is like a dream, having something I came up with get formally adopted.

I should thank Alan once I got home.

"As promised, I'll switch to support. Let's keep at it huh,"Micheal said with a big smile.

"Right, I look forward to it."

"Micheal, Jeff! Will you be attending the after party at Mr Tony Jaa wedding?" Nueng asked.

"Tony Jaa? Oh from the sales team?"I asked.

"That's right, his wedding is the week after next," Micheal informs.

"I'll be going," I told them.

"Me too,"Micheal adds.

"All right. Now to ask Mr Way,"Nueng said before walking away.

"Will you be going to the reception, Micheal?"

"No, I'll stick to the afterparty. If I want to see Tony Jaa looking happy....The afterparty's good enough for that."

Looking happy huh.

Was I happy before the wedding?

"Are you jealous that he got married before you?'

Micheal blushed. "No such thing!"

What was I hoping for before my wedding?

I was glad because I believed that I could be happy...

But what kind of happiness am I seeking?

I just didnt know.


"Welcome home. Have you had dinner?"

"I had some before I got back."

"I see."

He started to walk to his room.

"Hey, that wine bar design we went over before? It went through." I told him happily.

Alan stopped in his tracks. He turned his around and faced me.

"Wine bar? Oh that thing.."

"Yes that. Its thanks to the advice you gave me, Alan. Thank you, I mean it."

"You dont need to thank me for that. We're married. Its only natural for me to lend you a hand when I can be of use to you."

Why is Alan being nice today?

"That's perfect regardless. I'd like you to go with me to Rayong the weekend after next."

"The weekend after next?"I asked in surprise.

"That's right. Its not certain yet whether we'll be staying two days and one night or three days and two nights. But if it does end up being two nights, I'd like you to take some time off from work."

"But... But I cant take time off on such a short notice! Besides I have plans on that week."

Upon hearing my reply, his look turned sour.

"We'll be meeting the chairman of an American Corporation and his wife. They may become clients in the near future. They're here in Thailand on business but they want to do some sightseeing in Rayong first. I'd like you to join me in showing them around and entertaining them."

IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now