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That weekend, I went with Alan to the mountain climbing meet.

I had meant it to be my last duty to him as a wife.

Once I get back to the apartment, I am leaving.

I'll just stay with my parents and talk it over with then for the moment. Then....

"Jeff, could you help me chop the vegetables?"

"Sure, no problem" I replied. "Carrots, potatoes and need to cut?" How many more do you need to cut?"

"Get the onions too if you could please. They hurt my eyes and I cant keep it up."

"Oh Alan."

On the surface, we played the part of an agreeable couple.

But truthfully, we had barely spoken since I brought up the divorce.

"Wow, look at your wife go," Man A said.

"Compared to her, you're plain clumsy Alan," Man B joked.

"What can I say? I've barely held a kitchen knife."

They're right. Those carrots and potatoes. They're all just chopped into chunks.

What would he do for cooking without me there?

That train of thought caused a bittersweet feeling to swell within me.

It wont be any problem.

After all, he has him. He can just have him to do all his cooking from now on.

"Wow, done chopping already? Impresssive!" Man A praised.

"You've got yourself a great wife there Alan."

"Yes, I think so too," he said with a slight blush.


"It really is true."

That voice.....

"Oh, if its isnt General Manager's wife!"Man A said.


I saw Alan looked away from him.

So he's here too.

I suppose it makes sense.

She's Alan's supervisor's wife.

"I'm so jealous of Mr Alan and his wife.

Newlyweds must enjoy everyday they spend together."


"It makes me green with envy."

"Didnt you marry Mr Tony two years ago yourself?"Man B state. "He brags about you all the time, about how gorgeous his wife is."

"Oh? But my father is just an ordinary salary man. Its a little hard to compare the two of them, "Kim pointed out sarcasticly. "Mr Alan has it nice on that front, though. His wife's father is a banking executive."

"Oh yes, thats right."

"Alan's father runs a business of his own. There's a resemblance there."Man B commented.

"Mine's just a small business,"Alan said flatly. "In that sense, I can hardly say we're on a standing worth of equal compliments."

"Then in a sense, does that makes you a gold digger?"


"Isnt it nice having a marriage with benefits?"

Alan fell silent.

"I'll go and wash the dishes we're done using," I told my husband.

"Yes, please do."

I thought dully as I washed the dishes at the watering hole.

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