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Alan rose sluggishly and looked at him as he stood in the doorway.

"Would you mind closing the door?"he said, truly irritated. "You'll be put in a difficult position yourself if we get overheard."

He ignored his request.

"You're the one in the bad position here, Alan,"he said angrily. "I'm not afraid of anything at this point. I dont care if my husband learns everything."

Alan panicked and he looked really angry. "What did you say?"

Kim smiles at him. "I love you okay?"

"I thought we had a clear cut relationship, "he reminded Kim.

"Yes, at first,"he agrees. "But things changed. I dont want to seperate from you."

"You must be aware by now that I have no intention of continuing our relationship."

Kim looked sadly at him. "Is that why you havent been seeing me lately? But that has to be wrong.. You said work was keeping you busy, right?"

"It's not wrong. Truth is, I intended to settle my relationship with you."

He tugged at his arm. "You cant do this! I love you!"

He was hysterical. "I've always loved you more than he do!"

His gaze shifted toward me.

On the spur of moment, I blurted out, "Dont you dare jump to conclusion about me. The last thing I want is for you to draw your own conclusions about my feelings!"

"Are you saying that you love him? Can you really make that assertion?"

"I can and I do."

*giggle* "

My, my. Listen to you. You're just an Omega who met an Alpha at a marriage arrangement and got picked solely based on your qualification,"he mocked.


"And didnt you choose to marry Alan after seeing his qualifications?"

"You're wrong!"

"I am not!,"he insisted. "All you need to do is sit back and enjoy the benefits of being a wife. Its too brazen for you to expect Alan to love you on top of that."

Brazen huh? What the heck is he saying?

"I dont understand you."

"Excuse me?"

"In any marriage, arranged or romantic.... Dont people choose partners because they think they can be happy together?"


"Yes, people take notice of their partners occupation and finances. But what they wish for is to be able to love their partner and be loved in return. Isnt that why people get married?"

Kim fell silent.

"That is how for me, at least."

The glimpse of kindness he showed me on our first date. I wanted to trust the man I knew then.

Thats why I decided to marry Alan.

"So isnt it natural for me to want to be loved as a wife?"


"Wasnt that how it was for you when you married your husband?

At the mere mention of his husband, he grew offensive.

"Ngh! Quit giving me your sophistries....!"

Suddenly he slapped me!


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