Back to work

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Emily came within 10 minutes and called me. I got into her car. "Caleb made us sign non disclosure agreement yesterday" She said.

"What's happening Nina. We know something is wrong. What is it? You can share it with us." Emily said looking at me.

I told her everything. I wanted to open my heart to someone. I can't no longer keep everything in me and burn. I cried my heart out. She hugged me tight and didn't say anything. But she listened to me. That's all I wanted. Someone to ask me what happened. Someone to listen to my side of the sorry.

Harry never asked why did I agreed to the marriage when his mother asked. He just assumed that I did everything to trap him for his money.

We both went to the restroom and fixed our make up before entering the office floor.

Taylor said " Here's the best friend of beautiful Caroline. Why did you hide it from me. Please introduce us once please please. Just one introduction is fine rest I will take care." I just smiled at him.

"Yeah as if Caroline don't have enough handsome guys following her around" Emily teased him to lighten my mood. Nick came and given me a hug saying he missed me. He is a little flirty but no harm. I laughed and said yeah you missed me so much just because I took leave for one day. "It's not 1 day it's 3 days my love" He said in his sexy British accent.

"I need the final project plan before noon". We all turned back to see Harry standing there. He clenched his jaw looking at me and went inside Mary's cabin.

We all got back to work immediately. By noon it was completed and Mary asked me to accompany her to report final plan to Harry. Presentation task was assigned to me in this quarter so I had to go.

We went to his office room directly. I remember the last time I entered this office was to sign the girl friend agreement and see from there where we are standing now. I was so nervous to stand in front of him but decided to handle everything professionally.

I started the presentation and Harry started interrupting finding fault in every detail. The meeting extended more than the expected time and Mary excused herself to attend another meeting she had to attend.

I continued my presentation but he was getting on my nerves. It's just a plan which he rushed us to complete in 3 hours. Obviously there will be mistakes but it will be identified and rectified before submitting the final plan.

"Maybe if you stop flirting and start concentrating on work more" he commented. He said looking right into my eyes. I avoided his look and said " I will make the corrections and get back to you today itself"

"I don't want this to be corrected, delete this trash and make a new plan keeping every point I said in today"

I just stared at him. It's practically impossible. They all spent half day helping me finish this presentation and I cannot ask for their rest of the day too. They do have their on running projects that needs their attention.

I nodded and went outside.

Harry's POV:

I went to her floor to meet Mary and there she is embraced in Nick's arms. My blood started boiling seeing her standing there hugging him back so tightly. There's no place for air also between them. She is a ***re. He must be her next target.

After the meeting I came out and saw she is sitting next to Nick and discussing something. Her eyes are on the computer but he is looking at her. He noticed me and suddenly looked back to the computer. Everyone is falling for her tricks. I thought to myself and went back to my office.

After sometime she and Mary entered the office. She looked nervous. She should be. Our last encounter in this office was when I made her sign the contract. The worst day that changed my life upside down. Thinking that I got furious. She started the presentation and there are many mistakes. I got irritated and started shooting questions to point out the mistakes. I did not even notice that Mary excused herself from meeting. I was showing all my anger towards her and she started getting annoyed. Her audacity. The clause in the contract is the only reason you are still working here you gold digging bitch.

"Maybe if you stop flirting and start concentrating on work more" I said looking right into her eyes.

" I will make the corrections and get back to you today itself" she said avoiding my gaze. I noticed that before also. She always avoids looking at me. Yeah no liars will be able to.

"I don't want this to be corrected, delete this trash and make a new plan keeping every point I said in today"

She just looked taken aback and nodded before leaving the office. I know it's not easy. But that bitch needs to know that she needs to work hard to survive here. She just can't lazy around because that contract protects her job. If you want money work for it.

After finishing my work I looked at the clock it's already 8.30 pm. Caroline called and asked if we can meet. She is staying at my hotel so I can visit her anytime without any paparazzi issue.

She opened the hotel room and jumped into my arms immediately and started kissing me. I kissed her back lightly. She broke the kiss and asked me "Is everything alright?"

"Other than she getting into my nerves everything is okay." I said sitting on the couch. She just looked at me for a moment and said "everything will be alright".

"Come let's have dinner."

" I really want to but you know momma will suspect something if I don't have dinner with my newly married wife. Some other time beautiful "

She just nodded and gave me a dull smile. I noticed that but I don't know. I did not feel right to stay at her room at that moment. I said bye to her and went to meet the hotel manager. As I am here I would better check the things here.

Without even knowing I was buried in work there too. My phone started ringing. It was momma. "Hey are you guys staying out?"

"No momma why"

"It's already 11.30 I just wanted to make sure my kids are safe."

"Okay momma. No need to worry. I am at Lilly (hotel name)"

" that's fine. Make sure she eats good. I noticed that she is not having food properly and in this few days she became very weak"

"About whom are you talking?"

"Your wife. Oh God. Who else it will be."

She said and disconnected the call. 'Hasn't she reached home yet' I immediately got out of the hotel and went back to my office. I reached her floor and there she is still working. I felt relieved after seeing her there but I don't know why. Because whether I wanted or not she is my legal wife and she is my responsibility. I answered my inner voice.

I just stand there watching her. She is completely into her work and didn't notice me yet. I walked towards her desk and she turned but immediately avoided looking at me and got up from her chair.

" It's completed. I just emailed you the link." She said without looking at me.

"Good. Come let's go"

"Sure". She said and followed me to the elevator. My car was parked in front. When I reached the car a taxi came and stopped next to my car. She walked straight and got into the taxi.

"I" before I could say something the car moved. I sighed and followed the taxi.

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