Nina Forbes

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I don't know what they both spoke but Caroline was really bitchy towards me afterwards. I could see Harry keeping a distance from her in front of everyone and I am really not sure what's going on between them.

Caleb came in the evening and everyone was sitting at the drawing room talking and listening to Angel. I was in the kitchen preparing fresh juice for everyone and I knew some one came. I took 2 extra glasses of juice and it was my father and his wife. Standing behind them was my mom tensed. Seeing them back in my life I was shocked and the tray fell from my hand.

Harry's POV:

I told Caroline that I need some time to clear my head and she agreed even though she was bit shocked initially. But she asked me some time to move from here as she needs to arrange her stay in her new apartment. She didn't wanted to go back to hotel. I agreed because I know it's unfair for me to ask her to leave right away.

We all were at the living room spending that evening and Nina was in kitchen preparing something. I went in there and took some snacks from the overhead cupboard from where she is standing. I went very close to her leaning over her body and touched her waist while picking up the snacks jar. I smelled her hair for a second before leaving.

From the time I reached back I wanted to be near her, touch her and smell her. As usual she was avoiding me.

I was walking back to the living room saw the visitors. Along with Nina's mom was none other than the legend in Jewellery design Mr. Bernard Forbes. He is a multi billionaire and one of the top 50 richest in the country.

I walked towards them to invite them and suddenly heard a loud sound of glasses scattering and turned to see Nina standing there staring at them. Everyone including mama stood up from their place and turned to look at our guests and Nina.



But Dad... said Nina when he stared at her.

"What but daughter.... Do you have anything to say?" Mr. Forbes asked and she nodded her head.

Daughter what's happening... I was literally confused like anyone else in the family.

I am sorry, who are you sir? It was my mother...

I am Bernard Forbes and I am taking my daughter.

"What are you talking about? She is my daughter in law. You can't just barge in here and take her"

"Daughter in law" is it? Then who is that standing next to you? He pointed at Caroline.

My mom was shocked and confused and looked at me and Nina's mom. Nina's mom was near Nina in split second crying and apologising.

Mr. Forbes looked at Nina's mom and said "you are fired. I did not hire you and gave you freedom at my house to marry my daughter to someone. I should have fired you the day she started calling you mom"

Nina come... he said and started walking towards the door ignoring rest of us completely.

"You can't take her. She is my wife." I said finally.

He just turned and started walking towards us. He took an envelope full of photos and thrown it towards us and it scattered all over the floor. It was me and Caroline... our intimate photos taken before my marriage and some after that when I visited her at the hotel.

Mother was shocked to see it and looked at me and Caroline. I couldn't say anything and I lowered my eyes.

Nina looked at those photos and looked at me for a second and turned away.

She walked towards my mother and gave her an apologising look. "I am sorry momma. Everything was my mistake. Like we thought I was not his love of life. It's Caroline. I am sorry I came in between. They will explain to you everything. It's time for me to go. I am sorry for everything. She said looking at momma me and Caroline., then she hugged Angel and walked behind her father. Before crossing the door she just turned and looked at me .

She is gone... she has gone son... Harry... Harry... I can hear the sound of my mother and Caleb but couldn't say anything. By the time I got out of my trans state she was long gone. I ran towards the door but noone was there. I came back to Caleb and asked him to come with me but mom stopped us both. She needs an explanation.. she wants to know why Nina said she is not the love of my life. She wants an explanation of the photos of me and Caroline.

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