Camelot Festival

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(A couple of moments past by the school bus arrives in front of the festival, everyone has gotten off and are gathering around the Professor waiting for instructions. The professor came out with a checklist on check board in her hands)


Alright ladies and gentlemens, remember the Camelot Festival is huge, always stick together, now you can be in groups of 2 or 5.

(Tristan and Elaine made eye contact and did a little fist bump together, already knowing that they'll be partners)

Professor: Walk around the scenery, take a good look at their history and at the end of the day we'll meet here at the same exact spot. I'll send out notifications on your phones at what time. Other than than that enjoy and have fun everyone!

(All of the students were amazed by the festival and were filled with excitement) 


Okay where do you want to go first, i have an idea, want to go see Knights jousting?

Elaine: There's such a thing here?

Tristan: Well duh, this is the Camelot Festival we're talking about here. Of course there has to be a jousting tournament

Elaine: Since you already wanted to come here in the first place, why don't you lead the way?

Tristan: You're serious?

(Elaine nods to him)

Tristan: Sweet! Let's go before the tournament starts! 

(Tristan grabs Elaine's hands and they both started running to watch the tournament. The mysterious person was still following them from the school, and continues to spy. Tristan and Elaine arrives at tournament, only to see both two knights jousting each others on their horses) 

Tristan: Shoot, the seats are full... and it already started 

(Elaine looks around to double check for any empty seats, and finds 3 extra seats up front)

Elaine: Hey look, there's our lucky seats up front, lets go

(Elaine and Tristan went to their seats and sat down, both enjoying the tournament. The mysterious person spots them in the crowd, begins to cast a magic spell to make one of the knights fall off their horse) 

(As everyone was watching the crowd gasps in shock, Elaine quickly stands up surprised)

Tristan: I'm not so sure this happens in a jousting tournament.....

(While everyone was distracted by the incident of the falling knight, the mysterious person kept on walking closer towards Elaine, without her knowing, the mysterious person was about to attack Elaine, Tristan suddenly noticed the mysterious person behind Elaine)

Tristan: Elaine! Watch Out!

(Tristan quickly grabs Elaine's arm, Elaine falls on Tristan. Making the mysterious person to miss his attack move)

(The crowd realizes what was happening and all starts to run away, both Tristan and Elaine quickly got up, Elaine tries to escape but the mysterious person grabbed Elaine's arm)

Elaine shouts: Let me go!! 

(The mysterious person looks into Elaine's eyes, Elaine looks up only to see an unrecognized person and was struggling to release herself from the person) 

Tristan: You heard her freak, let her go!

(Tristan tries to push the person down, But the mysterious person then casted a forcefield around both him and Elaine, which made Tristan fall back. Tristan was surprised to see the forcefield right in front of him, and recgonize)

Camelot AwakeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora