Lancelot and Elaine first talk to talk

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(Both Lancelot and Elaine were later sitting in a tent, while Tristan was helping out as well,  Lancelot then puts an ice bag on Elaine's arm)

Lancelot: Here, keep the ice on, it can help the wound from increasing more

Elaine: Hey, um, I didn't get to tell you earlier, but uh thank you for saving me

Lancelot smiles: Always, well, you were in trouble I had to do something 

Elaine: Do you work around here at the Camelot Festival?

Lancelot: Sorry, work? 

Elaine: Oh, well, you know as a cosplayer? An Actor?

Lancelot: I uhm actually heard about this place, so I thought I come by to see it

Elaine: I'm guessing you're not from around here?

Lancelot: You can say that 

(Lancelot then sits next to Elaine to check on her wounds)

Lancelot: How is your wrist?

Elaine: It's healing well, thank you

Tristan: Hey guys, should we do something about that magic person?

Lancelot: Magic? There's no such thing as magic, not after centuries

Tristan: Well, he did used some sort of magic that made him disappear that's for sure

Lancelot: The only person I know who has magic is......

(Both Tristan and Elaine looked at each other's confused)

Lancelot: No matter, the past is in the past. Whoever that person wants, might mean harm again. It is not safe for you out to be in the open like this

Elaine: Okay, look it was probably just some performance that broke character 

Tristan: Elaine, you're not serious right? They literally attacked you in front of everyone. Who's to say they won't stop coming back after you.

Lancelot: All I'm saying is, Both of you need to stay with each others at all costs, and both you have to stay on high alert

Elaine: Hang on, i can't be alone for the rest of my life? 

Tristan: Elaine- thats not what he meant- 

Elaine: Look sir, I appreciate your worry, but I can handle myself. Thank You very much

(Elaine gets up and walks out of the tent, looks back at Lancelot and Tristan. Lancelot looks a bit worried)

Elaine: And thank you again for saving me (leaves the tent)

Lancelot sighs: That woman

Tristan: Yep, that's Elaine alright, she doesn't go out much or talk to people often..

Tristan: Anyways thank you for your help of saving my friend, I gotta go

Lancelot: You are very brave, and very courageous young squire

Tristan: Thanks, I appreciate that (he smiles then leaves) 

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