Live laugh love Sir Lancelot

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(Lancelot and the rest of the Knights were training with each other in the training arena. Sir Galahad notices Sir Lancelot hasn't been himself lately because he kept on losing the fight. Sir Galahad manages to push Lancelot, and he was down)

Sir Galahad: Ahem, Sir Lancelot?

Lancelot exhales: Galahad

Sir Galahad: What in Merlin's beard has gotten into you lately?

(Lancelot was lying on the ground, in that moment he was thinking of the time he first met Elaine after that moment he couldn't stop thinking about her, he kept thinking of good moments he had with her)

(Sir Galahad notices that he was zoning away, he then leans in closer to Lancelot and his ears)

Sir Galahad: Sir Lancelot!!!

(Lancelot quickly stood back up and sees Galahad in front of him)

Lancelot: Right in the ear good sir

Sir Galahad:

You keep getting distracted, not that I don't enjoy defeating you for the very first time hahaha, but it seems like you're not focused as if someone has been on your mind recently? Hm?

Lancelot: Alright knock it off Sir Galahad 

(Lancelot went off but Galahad follows him)

Sir Galahad:

Don't think that I do not know Sir Lancelot, I saw you two couple of hours ago, and I've seen how the way you look at her

Lancelot: Oh no.... Who else have you told?

Sir Galahad: Well, Um.....

Sir Gaiwan: Oi, Lancelot why don't we have some boy talk eh?

(The rest of the Knights came over huddling between Lancelot and Galahad)

Lancelot smiles: Hello Boys

Sir Galahad: Oh you know just our brothers

(Meanwhile the Knights were taking a break eating and drinking)

Sir Kay:

So Sir Lancelot, a little bird told us that you have eyes on someone 

(Sir Kay looked over to see Galahad giving a grin back at them)

Sir Ector: Is that true sire?

Lancelot: Oi, keep it down lads, others will hear

Sir Ector:

I'd say this is great news brother, and great news should be heard

Lancelot chuckles:

Okay Okay, I may have caught a few feelings for Elaine. And we did almost kissed, until ahem Sir Galahad

Sir Galahad: 

Oi don't look at me it was the trolls fault for interrupting, I just came to warn the danger 

(The Knights chuckled and laughed)

Sir Kay: Ah, shining armor boy has fallen in love has he? 

(Sir Lancelot didn't say anything except smile brightly) 


She's just amazing, truly, guys you should've seen the way how Elaine fought through the battles on her own. She is a true fighter, she has even inspired me to fight back. Elaine has this smile that can brighten up the entire room, and her eyes is shining bright as beautiful as the sun. Elaine is everyone's shining light 

Sir Gaiwan:

So have you thought about telling her how you feel?

Lancelot: Well no- but we did almost kiss- 

Sir Ector: But have you told her you love her? 

(Lancelot stops remember the moment that they almost kiss, but he didn't confess his true feelings for her) 

Lancelot: No I have not.... that would've gone mad..

Sir Galahad: If it's about love Sir Lancelot, it's worth saying something


I don't know.... If I do end up telling her, what if she doesn't feel the same way I do?

Sir Kay: Objection! I object !

Sir Ector: Oi, keep it down Sir Kay! 

Sir Galahad: That is impossible Sir Lancelot

Lancelot: Oh yeah? How is that

Sir Galahad:

If you said the two of you almost kiss, and Elaine was fine with it? 


Yeah, well, she was overwhelmed I was trying to find something to cheer her up

Sir Galahad: 

It seems like both of you spend more time with each other lately than anyone else. And if she hadn't said anything rude about the kiss, then that could be a sign 

Sir Galahad: A sign where fair lady Elaine might have feelings for you too

Sir Galahad:

People who aren't close with each others, they don't open up immediately and accept like that.  This mean that you and Elaine have form a special bond with each others, Sir Lancelot

(Lancelot was starting to think about what Galahad said, and is beginning to think, whether if he should confess Elaine how he truly feels) 

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