Merlin's Beard! Merlin!

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(Tristan, Lancelot, and Elaine followed the mysterious person to his house that was a little deep within the forest. Elaine was unsure whether or not to trust that person, but it seems like he knows what was going on to when she wielded Excalibur) 

(All three of them arrived at the person's house, once Tristan opened the door Elaine and Tristan were shocked and amazed that his house was filled with magic)

Merlin: Come with me, no time to waste 

Both: Woahh!!

(Lancelot followed up from behind, being very cautious seeing flying magic around, he had on a serious face and did not looked too happy. Tristan and Elaine sees a magic broom stick was sweeping through the floor, books were flying in a single file line, and the dishes were being washed by magic) 

Merlin: Good god, where did that book i was reading go now?!

Tristan: Elaine?

Elaine: Hm?

Tristan: You're seeing the flying broomsticks, the books flying, and the um, dishes actually floating right?

Elaine: Yes, Yes I do Tristan

Tristan: Oh good, I am not going crazy

Merlin: What are you all standing around there for? Get on over here!

(The broom then pushes the three of them closer to the table. And it closes the door)

Merlin: I have been watching you Elaine, now from time to time-

Elaine: Excuse me sorry, you were watching me?!

Tristan: Yeahh, that sounds like spying to me 

Merlin: That moment when I saw you, the sword itself needed a new champion

Lancelot: How is it that a strange person like you know so much about the girl? 

Elaine: Yeah, and who exactly are you? Can you tell us what is going on here?

Tristan: Yeah and is that really magic I'm seeing now? What sword are we talking about here- 

Lancelot: Magic.... it can't be magic hasn't been around since after centuries

Tristan: Then how do you explain the flying dishes good sir?! 

(Lancelot and Tristan both notices Elaine holding  Excalibur, Tristan's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, Lancelot looked at Tristan with a curious face then looked over his shoulders and was also surprised to see Excalibur in Elaine's hands)

Lancelot: Elaine.... do you realize what sword that is? 


Okay now you're all freaking me out here, I am going home. And all of this was a bad dream

Merlin: I'm afraid, I can't let you leave....

Elaine: No, I am going home and you can keep the sword.

(Elaine puts Excalibur down, before she was about to leave, the mysterious person pulls out another one of his magic lassos and grabs Elaine's arm to stop her)

Elaine: H-Hey!-

(Recognizing the lasso, Elaine quickly looks at the mysterious person with a stunned face)


It was you! From the jousting tournament! You're the one who attacked me...

Merlin: Silence please, I know you all confused at the moment- but can you at least let me focus here? There are lives at stake here!


How do you even know my name? And Why did you attack me and my friend?!

Merlin: I said SILENCE! (He casts a spell to freeze Elaine, Lancelot, and Tristan)

(Merlin gave out an exhausting sigh, and reveals himself to the others. Lancelot eyes widened as he saw Merlin, Tristan was in shock and was surprised to see Merlin in the flesh)

Lancelot: Merl- You're alive?! 

Tristan: You're- You're- You're-

Merlin: Speak English Boy

Tristan: You're the famous wizard Merlin!

Merlin: Aw I'm flattered with the term Famous 

Elaine: Hang on... The Merlin???

Merlin: That's right

Elaine: If you're Merlin then, aren't you supposed to be in Camelot? Why are you out here in the forest all by yourself? 

Merlin: That's another story, for another time to tell, as if for right now we need to focus on you, and for what you have yet discovered Elaine

Lancelot: Merlin, you're alive! But I thought

(Merlin unfreezes all of them, and Elaine and Tristan were listening, Elaine notices Lancelot still didn't look to happy)

Tristan: Mr. Merlin sir, What do you mean there are lives at stake?


That's not an ordinary sword you're holding Elaine. What you have just witnessed, is the only hope to help unite both Camelot Kingdom and your world once more

Elaine: Are you guys saying this sword is... Excalibur?...


I was the one who put that sword in stone, when I got back to it, everything was gone, and someone must've taken it too. I thought Excalibur disappeared long ago, but now it has returned with it's new champion

Elaine: Champion? Champion of what?

Merlin: You, Elaine, are now the next rightful heir to Camelot . You are Camelot's new Queen, and there will be a war upon us

(Everyone was turned over and was staring at Elaine, Elaine was still in shock to hear all of this in one day, she begins to feel the stress and pressure) 

Merlin: Camelot is in peril

Merlin: No one has the courage to lead the knights of the round table

(Merlin makes eye contact to Lancelot knowing that he didn't want to mention the name on what he was about to explain)

Merlin: all hope is lost, after the disappearance of King Arthur.... 

(When Merlin mentioned about King Arthur, that triggered Sir Lancelot causing him to see visions from the past, a vision of King Arthur falling in battle when Lancelot was trying to reach to him. Lancelot had his eyes closed when he was seeing the visions.) 

(Tristan notices and placed his hands on Lancelot's shoulders causing Lancelot to gasp a bit and break away from the vision) 

Tristan whispers: Dude, are you okay?

Lancelot nods: I'm alright young squire.... I'm alright

Merlin exhales: 

I don't normally beg for help but, I am sworn to protect Camelot and their rightful King or Queen

Merlin: Elaine, you must come with me to Camelot

Elaine: I...uh... um, I'm not so sure if I-


What she means is, don't you think it's a lot to take in maybe? After all this pressure, don't you think Elaine needs a break?

Merlin: Hm, I can assure you, you may take a break, once we're in Camelot

(Merlin enchanted a spell which made his cottage house turn into some sort of flying machine. Lancelot was surprised by the levitating house, Tristan and Elaine quickly hugged each others)

Merlin: Hold on to your horses lads!

(They team were off flying to Camelot and seeing the natural view) 

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