Truth been told

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(Meanwhile with Elaine, she was later walking near the outside hallway alone where she was able to see the lovely Camelot view. Elaine then pulled out her amulet necklace, the one her parents gave her, she was holding onto it. Elaine was starting to think about her parents)

(Elaine closes her eyes, and couple of flash vision showing her younger self with her parents, but then the vision kept on showing young Merlin casting a spell on someone, the vision kept on repeating inside Elaine's head)

(Elaine was breathing a bit heavily, and was curious to why the vision of Merlin was being shown, she manage to break away from the vision, Elaine decides to leave the area and go see Merlin)

(Merlin hasn't left his big library ever since, because he was still finding a cure for Elaine, the cure for the poison. Merlin was flipping through the pages until he came across a section where he has found the cure)

Merlin: Eureka! Hahahah ! Oh my beard, This is it!

Merlin reading the cure:

the hemlock poison.... If a person is being corrupted by this kind of dark magic poison, the only way to cure them, is to find the person who was responsible for the venomous poison and have them use their incantation spells to cure the poison themselves  

Merlin: Morgana..... Of course.....

(As Merlin continues to read the chapter, Elaine opens the library door she sees Merlin in front of her) 

Elaine: Merlin?

Merlin notices: Elaine! Just in the nick of time, I have eh great news

Elaine: Oh great news? Please do tell


After working all day and night, I have finally figured out a cure, a way to get rid of the curse

(Elaine smiles in relief, knowing that she is going to be cured)

Elaine smiles happily: Merlin, thank you, thank you so much!

(Elaine then gave Merlin a hug, Merlin smiles happy and hugged her back)

Elaine: So how do we get rid of this curse, this poison?


..... We must find the person who's responsible for cursing you

Elaine: Oh.....

Merlin: I fear that it won't be easy, but... I've known Morgana before

Elaine: You- You knew Morgana?.....


I didn't want to tell you because you have been going through enough already Elaine


So then if you saw there was a good in her before....


mmm, there could still be a chance to save her

Merlin: Although she can be angry most of the time, I believe there's still good in her. She once came into my library furious about something and kept on crashing destroying her, and she did have a mental breakdown

(Elaine then knew why she was furious, Elaine remembers that Morgana was furious because of her father betraying her on loving her mother instead)

Elaine: I think I know why she was angry.....


Elaine, know that I won't let Morgana lay a hand on you, nor harm you. I will do everything in my power to protect and keep you safe

(Merlin placed his hands on Elaine's face, Elaine looked up at Merlin)


I know why she was angry, back in the caves, Morgana has shown me a vision from the past, a vision that showed the truth that my father betrayed her..... Into loving my mother.....

Merlin: Oh Elaine....

Elaine: I didn't know how to feel afterwards....


I am certain that your father never meant to hurt you Elaine, In fact he has sacrificed his life to save you from Morgana

Elaine exhales: I know, I'm just feeling a bit upset with him....

Merlin: And I completely understand why

(Merlin closed all of his books and puts them all back in the shelf)

(In that moment, Elaine begins to remember about the flashing visions showing Merlin casting some sort of spell on someone)

Elaine: You casted a spell on my parents, didn't you?

Merlin: I beg thy pardon??

(Elaine looks up at Merlin only to see he has a serious curious face on)


I saw you, I saw what you did.... My visions You were there when you wiped my parents' memory away....

Merlin: No- Elaine-


No? If it's not you the one who wiped their memories away then tell me Merlin, tell me and explain to me what I saw then in my visions

(Merlin turned back, and let out a long exhale)

Elaine: Please tell me the truth Merlin

(Merlin then turns around, he looks Elaine in the eye)

Elaine: Who did you wipe the memory away? 

(Merlin looked in Elaine's eyes knowing that he's the one who cast a forgetting memory spell on Elaine, not on her parents. Elaine's eyes widened as she figured it out the truth) 

(Elaine realizes that it was Merlin who casted a spell on her. Her eyes begin to fill with tears and Merlin seeing her cry broke his heart)

Elaine: Merlin, You.... you casted on me.... why?....

Merlin: I had to do it Elaine, it was the only way.... Please try to understand


Understand? I can't even remember my own past life, my parents aren't perfect but they're the ones who have stood by my side since I was born, and you... took my memory away to let me forget all of that?!


I was doing it to protect you Elaine, I never wanted to but your father has asked me too so you wouldn't know the truth about them

(Elaine felt hurt by Merlin and her father too, mostly her father for not telling the truth on the sleeping memory spell. She didn't know what else to say or do, Elaine was feeling really conflicted)


Elaine.... Please say something, it was for your protection if I hadn't Morgana would've killed you too


What do you expect me to say Merlin? That the person I trusted has lied to me this entire time and didn't dare explain to tell me the truth?? Me, the person who has lost their past life and memory?? It's because of you and my own father?....

(Merlin was feeling bad and guilty about not telling the truth, he closed his eyes and looked away. Elaine's eyes were still filled with tears. Elaine feeling hurt, and sad, she decided to make her way out leaving Merlin alone and speechless)

Merlin: Elaine!

(Merlin tried calling out her name, Elaine stopped and both Elaine and Merlin were looking at each other sadly. Merlin was going to say something but Elaine had left and closed the library door. Merlin sighed feeling sad and guilty)  

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