Lancelot's last minute jousting tournament

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(During late at night, King Mark decide to summon Modred over to the the main hall, to discuss a business plan that he had in mind... King Mark was sitting on the throne and in his thinking position until then hears a knock at the door)

King Mark: Come on in

(Modred enters the room)

Modred: you wish to see me? Your majesty

King Mark: Yes (starts to observe Modred)

King Mark: Have you ever joust before, dear boy?

Modred: Indeed I have, in fact jousting is one of my professions to begin with

King Mark: As you already know, that stubborn child probably doesn't even know a thing about the Pyrolyx game

King Mark: reason why i chose sir Lancelot to train Elaine is because I know she won't have enough time to train, even if trained by the best Knight

Modred: I'm a bit lost, but what is your point sir?

King Mark: I want you to fight Sir Lancelot in a jousting tournament, so that it can delay Elaine's time of training.

Modred: Since her trainings going to be delayed, she'll feel unprepared for the game

King Mark: Precisely, glad to see we're on the same page... I will announce the tournament first thing tomorrow morning


(Elaine was sleeping in her bed, until she starts to hear the horn blowing loudly from outside,  the announcement horn blowing loudly, Elaine grunts then came out from her room and she sees Tristan coming out too, Elaine could already tell his friend was not a morning person either, he was rubbing his eye, looking confused to know what was that noise and his hair was very messy)

Tristan: Elaine, what's going on? And what in the world was that sound?

(Elaine notices people were walking outside) 

Elaine: I think we're about to find out, come on

(A loud horn was playing, and the rest of the villagers started to come out from their houses. Tristan and Elaine walks through the crowd to see an announcer standing on the stairs) 

Announcer: Ahem, Heer yee! Heer yee! May I have your attention please ladies and gentlemens!

Announcer: Our King has decided to host a jousting tournament later this afternoon and has already chosen two best competitors yet. And would like for everyone to participate in the audience. If not, then there might be consequences.... 

Elaine: Consequences? Please, He's literally trying to scare people. Besides I can't even go, I have to train with Lancelot today. 

Tristan: uhh i don't know Elaine, it looks serious and it seems like everyone is really willing to participate

Elaine: Speaking of which, have you seen Lancelot anywhere? 

Tristan: Nope, I woke up the same time you did 

(Elaine wonders, because she didn't see him around the crowd during the announcement, so she decided to go find Lancelot, Tristan tagged along with her. Both of them walked through the halls of Camelot, looked around the scenery, searching for Lancelot)

(Tristan and Elaine have looked almost everywhere in the castle, but Lancelot was no where to be seen, Elaine begins to worry) 

Elaine: I don't get it he's not by the arena, and he's not at the gate, where could he even possibly be?

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