Modred talks with the Eldritch Witch

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 (Modred was walking through the halls alone, until he stops and starts to hear loud whispers as well. Suddenly dark shadow magic starts appearing around the room, surrounding only Modred, Modred can already tell who it already was)

Modred: Hello... Mother.... 

Morgana: Well, Well, Well, if it isn't My dearest little boy

Morgana: What is your status report ? 

Modred kneels down: It appears, we have some rough around the edges, and Merlin has returned 

(Morgana growls in furious anger)

Morgana: I thought that old fool had perished in exile?! 

Modred: I thought so at first too... and it appears he has also brought... guests...

(Morgana turns around, raised an eyebrow at Modred curious to know) 

Morgana: the new champion of Excalibur

(Morgana laughs and chuckles evilly)

Modred: What is it that you find so funny?

Morgana: Oh you are clueless my dear boy, I already know...

Modred: What? But how did you?-

Morgana: I have already payed her a visit in the Dream realm....

Modred: The dream realm... you know that is forbidden to go to

Morgana: I can do whatever I want now, and no one can stop me from my own magic, not even that old fool Merlin

Morgana: Without the sword, she's just a scared little girl, since I cursed the Excalibur, and Elaine has touched it, she is now under my control

Morgana: I would like to meet this new champion of Arthur and Merlin, Modred.

Modred: Would you like me to kill her?

Morgana: No! Not yet ... Instead I need you to bring her to me

(Modred looks up at Morgana)

Morgana: You will need to get to know her more, know her every move, her weakness, study her, and if my hunch is correct, and the time is right you will lure her to me understood? 

(Modred wanted to protest, but he didn't have much of a choice, and he didn't want to disobey his mother either, so he then nods in agreement) 

Morgana: When the time is right, you know where to find me my son

(Morgana then spots one of the guards looking at them both, frightened, Modred turns around and gave him a death glare)

(The guard was shaking in fear and begins running away shouting out "There's a Witch!" "There's a witch in the castle!") 

(Before Modred turns around, Morgana quickly disappears and vanishes) 

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