All hands on deck

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(Fire is spreading from house to house, Tristan was in shock to see the villagers endangered) 

Tristan: Guys, the fire keeps spreading, we have to do something! And fast!

Sir Gaiwan: But the people are in distress, calming down it ain't going to be that easy


You're right Sir Gaiwan.... it's not going to be that easy, helping everyone and everything in the village. But remember with or without the armor you all are brave and strong knights, and now remember we're all a team. You all devoted your lives to protect Camelot. And we're going to need all  hands on deck here. For Camelot!

Lancelot: Knights! 

Sir Kay: Sounds like a job of heroes!

Sir Galahad: Well said your highness!

Sir Gaiwan: For Camelot!!

Tristan: For Camelot!!

(Sounds of all the swords clashing together)

Elaine: Tristan, Sir Galahad, Merlin I need you to come with me to help set up a defense system around the castle.

Merlin and Sir Gaiwan: Of course your highness 


As for the rest of you, I need all of you Knights to find a secure sanctuary for the villagers, grab and find as many food supplies and water as much as you can, and leave no one behind understood?

(The Knights have understood their assignment and left to help out everyone in the village, while everyone else goes their separate ways. Elaine looks around the village seeing chaos everywhere she looked down sadly, wondering if she really can save everyone)

Lancelot: It's going to be alright m'lady, remember, step by step 

(Lancelot placed his hands on Elaine's shoulders and gives her a reassuring smile, Elaine nods smiles back, and Lancelot leaves to go help the other Knights while Elaine, Tristan, Merlin, and Sir Galahad were roaming through the halls)


Elaine, you've already been going through a lot, perhaps I suggest you need to get some rest-


I'm sorry Merlin, I can't rest now not while Morgana is on the loose, Camelot is defenseless right now, which is why we need a protection barrier, we won't know when she'll strike

(Merlin wants to disagree with her, but is also proud at the same time that she managed to assemble the team to go help the people in the village)

Elaine: Um, Merlin the protection barrier? 

Merlin: Yes Yes I heard you very loud and clear

(Merlin starts to use his magic and create a forcefield barrier protecting around the whole village of Camelot, and more defense system around)

Sir Galahad: Elaine is certainly an excellent fighter, sire

Merlin: Yes my old friend, she's one of the many best 

Tristan: You think the protection barrier is going to hold off Morgana?

Elaine: Lets hope so my friend, lets hope 

(The rest of the Knights have done their part, they managed to get everyone out of the village, managed and stop the fire from spreading, they managed to grab food and water. Everyone met up in front of the main hall) 

(Tristan, Elaine, Merlin, and Sir Galahad arrived up front, the whole crowd was making a path for Elaine, their new Queen, to walk through to the throne. Elaine was confused turned around and looked at Merlin, he gave Elaine a reassuring smile knowing that it was her time. 

(Elaine smiles back and continued to walk through the crowd, as Elaine continued walking through, She saw the throne of Camelot sitting right in front of her eyes. Elaine then paused for a moment, hesitantly, Elaine was not feeling ready to sit down on the throne)  

Sir Galahad bowing down: Your highness 

Elaine exhales: 

Um, I think it's best to lay low for now, now that we know Morgana and King Mark are working together, we need to be ahead of the game at all times. They could be on the move to strike us. 


I know I'm not perfect as you all wanted me to be as Queen.... and I don't think I am ready to rule Camelot by sitting on the throne just yet... but let me make a promise to you here, to all of you,  as your Queen, I'm willing to do everything in my power to keep you all safe. And If we can't hold on to the heavy shoulders on our own, then we have each other, so please if you can, ask others how they are doing, help one another, don't be afraid, don't be shy, because we all are one. As I said before we all are Knights. With or without the armor, we all are Camelot.

(Merlin smiles, Sir Galahad begins to clap his hands, and so did the rest of the villagers followed clapping, an around of applause for Elaine's speech. Elaine exhaled and looked out into the crowd seeing everyone clapping and cheering for her) 

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