Chapter 14

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I had dinner alone the next day.

In the daylight, the mansion seemed to grow ten times larger, and for an insane moment I felt like I was being swallowed whole. It could be because my mind was all over the place. I couldn't stop thinking about London, and no matter how hard I tried, Sebastian.

The housekeeper (was that who he was?) Seemed to have some kind of sixth sense. Once I was done eating, he swept into the dining room and proceeded to clear the dishes. I muttered a thank you, to which he said nothing.

Standing, I went to go pack up. The tinkering of glassware brought my attention back to the end of the hall. Even when carrying dirty dishes, the housekeeper seemed so regal.

I took the stairs two at a time. In my room, I took out my bag and started folding things in. It didn't take long because I hadn't really unpacked. After a shower, I stood in front of the mirror and faced a huge dilemma.

What to wear?

Today was, putting it lightly, a big day. I wasn't just going to meet my father, but I would be under the scrutiny of the whole kingdom as well. Anything I wore now would be assessed, picked apart to see if it could reveal enough depth about me. Combat boots? Depressed. Loose fits? Carefree. Tight fits? Brat.

I bit my bottom lip, thinki-- yes!

Flipping open my bag, I took out an old dress. Thank goodness I'd thrown it in on an afterthought! The dress was several years old and frankly I doubted it would fit perfectly. But it was all I could make do with at the moment.

I smoothed out the wrinkles on the blue gown. Standing, I tried it on. My face crumpled a bit.

It was several inches short and I thought I'd rip a seam if I tried to sit. But the cut... It was beautiful.

A scalloped neck revealed my defined collarbones, the asymmetrical material wrapping around my hips like a second skin. The shade of the dress was a light sky blue, offsetting my eyes.

Taking in my dressing, I was about to weigh in on what the people would think of me when I heard a knock at the door.

My heart leapt for an inexplicable reason. Walking across the room, I opened it.

Sebastian towered at the other end. The velvet drone of his voice filled the empty space. "Good m--" His breath seemed to catch. Anger gradually coloured his eyes. "What are you wearing?" he asked quietly.

I looked down at my dress and back at him. "What do you mean?"

"You're going to see your father not some stupid frat boy."

I folded my arms defensively. "Last time I checked you didn't dictate what the hell I wore and what I didn't."

A muscle on his jaw ticked. He grated, "It's not proper."

"Let me be the judge of that."

With a final look at me, he said, "Be ready in five minutes."


Just as I got into Sebastian's car, he started the engine. I settled in the front seat and shut the door. His gaze shifted to me, centering on my thighs. My gown had ridden up.

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